The doctor gave advice on how to survive magnetic storms

The doctor explained how to alleviate his condition during a difficult period.

Therapist Andrei Kondrakhin told us what to do and what not to do during magnetic storms.

The doctor urged Russians, first of all, to monitor the quality of their sleep, not to overexert themselves and to give up fatty foods and tonic drinks. Specialist in conversation with “Moscow 24” explained that “the body spends a lot of time and effort” digesting heavy foods. “Plus there is also a load from outside – a magnetic storm. Therefore, the body can be overloaded, and the person will feel discomfort,” warned the candidate of medical sciences, adding that this is why tea and coffee should be temporarily excluded.

Instead, Kondrakhin recommends drinking enough water, eating fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as boiled or stewed rabbit and poultry meat.

In addition, the therapist “allowed” to play sports during the period of magnetic disturbances, but warned against heavy loads. “Unusual activity and changes in the geomagnetic background can lead to the body quickly becoming overloaded and tired,” the expert said.

Earlier, weather forecaster Mikhail Leus warned Russians about a three-day magnetic storm.

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#Health#Magnetic storm#Kondrakhin
