The “Eco-patrol” action in New Belgrade ended with the collection of 3,000 liters of waste

The first action of the environmental initiative “Eco-patrol” was held in New Belgrade, where the students of the Elementary School “Ratko Mitrović” together with their parents participated in workshops and cleaning the school’s surroundings. During this event, as many as 3,000 liters of waste were collected, and the action was organized with the support of the Municipality of Novi Beograd and the “Plogging Serbia” association.

Foto-ilustracija: Freepik (jcomp)

The goal was to raise awareness among young people about the importance of proper waste disposal and environmental protection. Through interactive workshops, children learned about the differences between plastic recycling and the importance of reducing the use of single-use materials.

During the action, more than 180 gloves were used, and, as we mentioned, about 3,000 liters of waste were collected, which the students were responsible for selecting.

The action took place in several locations near the school, and the president of the Municipality of Novi Beograd Ivana Nikolić took part, together with her colleagues. It was pointed out that such actions represent an important step in educating the youngest about the importance of environmental responsibility. As Nikolić said, it is planned to implement similar activities in other schools, along with the expansion of cooperation with preschool institutions, so that children learn the importance of preserving the environment from an early age, according to the City of Belgrade website.

The organizers emphasized that actions like this are crucial for raising awareness among children and adults about the need to preserve a clean and healthy environment, and invited all fellow citizens to join future “Eco-patrol” actions.

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