Carolina traveled to Spain from Argentina in search of a better life. Upon arrival found with the help of Marisa and both became very good friends. Life separated them and They haven’t had contact for ten years..
Carolina now visits ‘Jorge’s diary’ because he wants to reunite with what was his friend y thank you for everything that helped you upon arriving in Spain. “Maria even taught me in Spain how to take the subway,” he said.
Jorge Javier was interviewing Marisa on set, who didn’t know what she was doing on the program or who had taken her there. Soon discovered, when reading an emotional letterwhich was his friend Carolina the one behind the surprise.
Neither of them could contain the tears upon meeting again in ‘Jorge’s Diary’ after 10 years. “There are people who over the years forget the people who helped them, and that is very wrong, you have to always remember,” Carolina told Marisa very excitedly.