The “Entre Ape (Waters of in-betweenness)” exhibition debuts at the House of European Institutes Timisoara with an impressive series of cultural events

Between October 17 and 20, HEI – House of European Institutes launches the exhibition in Timișoara Între Ape (Waters of in-Betweenness)which brings together four independent interdisciplinary artistic research projects that focused during the year 2024 on the complex tangle of cultural, social, economic, ecological and spiritual relationships we have with water.

At the increasingly permeable border between art and science, the issue of water in the context of the climate crisis and human industrial activities proves to be an extremely attractive and current topic for the community of creators and interdisciplinary researchers. Thus, the team from House of European Institutes he noted while running the residences project „Flowing Streams”that a lot of other cultural operators had launched water-related projects without coordinating beforehand. This is how the idea of ​​the exhibition was born “Between the Waters”curated by Adelina Luft, which brings together four such projects: „AfterLand”made by Qolony Association – Art and Science Colony, “About rains, rivers, streams…”made by Developing Art Association, „Smart River Cluster”made by CUCA (Cârtisoara Cultural Center) and „Flowing Streams”. The magnitude of the phenomenon of synchronicity has also inspired a series of related events that will take place throughout the exhibition, which will be open to the public until November 11, between 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. (Wednesday to Friday) and 14:00 and 20:00 (Saturday and Sunday).

Between the Sweet, Salty, and Dark_Waters are the Dragon Waters

Between ape_boardgame Flowing Streams

Flowing Streams @ Hadrien Cassan

Between Ape_Afterlife
Photo credit: Floriama Candea

AfterLand @ Mark IJzerman

About Rains, Rivers, Streams… @ Maria Bîrsan

Smart River Cluster @CUCA (Cărțișoara Cultural Center)

Between Ape_Smart River Cluster

The schedule is as follows:

The exhibition will have its opening on October 17 of the ora 18:00in space HEREthe Bastion 1starting with a curatorial tour of the exhibited works led by Adelina Luft. On the same occasion, the screenings of a series of video art works made by artists from Poland (Magdalena Siemaszko & Aleksander Janas, with the work Muddy Reconnection), Indonesia (Tita Salina, with the work 1001st Island) and the Republic of Moldova (Ghenadie Popescu, with the series of works Rivers.MD), brought together under the title Waters Elsewhere. These screenings will be recurring, and the public will be able to see them every Sunday for the duration of the exhibition (October 20 and 27, respectively November 3 and 11).

Friday, October 18of the ora 12:30the public is invited to attend a guided tour al Water Museum in Timișoaraled by publicist, poet, art critic and advisor Aquatim Robert Sherbanwhich will tell the story of the first drinking water treatment plant in Timișoara and how this crucial piece of infrastructure left its mark on how the city developed over time.

On the same day, from 14:00the HEI – House of European Institutesthere will be a round table entitled How can waters bring us together?event led by Adelina Luftthe curator of the exhibition, along with Floriama Candea, Alina Usurelu and Ovidiu Danesrepresentatives of the reunited projects. The event will also be open to experiences and ideas from the public, which will include a number of special guests. The publication will be launched on the same occasion Flowing Streams residencydocumenting the seven artistic residencies realized within the project of the same name, during which Romanian and international artists spent up to two weeks in rural and semi-rural towns in Romania, researching the relationships of the locals with the surrounding waters.

Saturday, October 19is a day full of four special events addressed to several categories of public. The series is opened by a new guided tour, this time dedicated boots and fountains from Timișoarawhich will start at or 12:00the Bastion and will guide the participants through much of the city’s history, through the traces left by its waters in their multiple functions, from military defense, to the purely aesthetic role, from hygiene and public health, to the production of electricity. The guide will be Sergiu Floreanskilled storyteller, known to the Timișoara public through projects Reciprocal and The Pas.

Starting with the hour 15:00back to Bastionin space HERE, Harun MorrisonGreenpeace UK associate artist and writer, will lead a workshop titled Flowing Streams where participants are invited to participate in the creation of a board game inspired by water. Access is also open to children aged 12 and over, and the premise is delightful – if the game started with the story of a raindrop, where would it go and what form would its journey take?

Later, from ora 17:00the French interdisciplinary artist Sébastien Robert will give a performative lecture on his long-term artistic research entitled You’re no Bird of Paradise. In this project, Robert investigates the disappearance of indigenous rituals, exploring their sonic, visual and contextual characteristics and transforming them into works of art.

The day will end with a community dinner treated as an art project in itself, titled Catch Your Course: How to share what flows?. This event designed by Sarah Klimbacher and Timo Bogataj (Collective KaorleAustria) will start at 19:00also at HEREbeing inspired by the island of Ada Kaleh as a symbol of cultural mixing, the exchange of ideas and goods, the tensions and torrents of history. The dishes specially prepared for this community dinner will be placed in the center of a carpet placed on the steps of the amphitheater, referring to the idea of ​​an island surrounded by flowing waters.

Sunday, October 20of the ora 16:00 will take place Forgotten watersthe last guided tour of the project, following this time The Şubuleasa Canal. This almost forgotten waterway, suffocated by the fever of real estate developments, will be traced in reverse, the tour starting from Hydroelectric Power Plantthe point where it flows into the Bega, in a hike led by Loredana Gaitarepresentative of the local initiative Green-Blue Timișoara. The tour proposes a perspective oriented towards optimism, urban revitalization and ecological revival, inviting a more attentive and closer relationship with the waters of the city of Timișoara. Then, in closing this busy weekend, the mold of video works art Waters Elsewhere it will be projected back into space HEI – House of European Institutesof the Bastionstarting from no 18:00.


Access to events HERE it’s free and open to everyone, regardless of age, ability and gender.

You will find explanatory texts written in easy-to-understand language. Here you are allowed to wave your hands, speak loudly or ask questions.


  • The space is wheelchair accessible;
  • The gallery we are in does not have an adapted toilet, but there is one in the neighboring Gallery, Bastion 3.

Between the Waters is organized by EUNIC Romania and Foundation9, in collaboration with local partners Romanian Waters National Administration – Banat Water Basin Administration, Timisoara Water Museum and launmomentdat.

The project is part of the national cultural program “Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023” and is financed by the Legacy Timișoara 2023 program, run by the Project Center of the Municipality of Timișoara, with amounts allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

The project is organized in partnership with the Municipality of Timișoara, through the Timișoara Project Center.

Media partners: Curatorial,, IQads, Mindcraft Stories, Modernism, Observator Cultural, Propagarta, Revista Golan, Scena9, Știri de Timișoara, The Institute, TVR Timișoara, Ziarul Metropolis.

EUNIC – European Union National Institutes for Culture – is the European network of national cultural institutes and organizations, with 39 members from all EU member states and associated countries. EUNIC Romania members involved in the realization of this project are the Italian Institute of Culture, the British Council, the Czech Center, the Polish Institute, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Goethe-Institut, the Austrian Cultural Forum, the French Institute.

Foundation9 operates at the intersection of cultural production, journalism and informal education, for a brave and responsible society. The Foundation9 was founded by BRD – Groupe Société Générale.
