The equinox is approaching. When the astronomical autumn of 2024 begins

From this moment, the day gradually decreases, and the night becomes longer and longer, until the winter solstice, marked on December 21. On September 23, the Sun’s astronomical longitude reaches 180°.

The autumnal equinox point, also called the “autumnal point”, is located on the celestial sphere at the intersection of the ecliptic (which represents the projection on the celestial sphere of the plane of the Earth’s orbit) with the celestial equator, which the Sun crosses on this date, passing from the northern hemisphere of celestial sphere in the southern one.

Being therefore on this date near the celestial equator, the Sun will rise and set right in the cardinal points east and west, the duration of the days being thus equal, regardless of the latitude, to that of the nights.

The only exceptions are found in the polar regions, in the area of ​​the North Pole starting the long polar night, and in that of the South Pole the Sun rising above the horizon, for 6 months, until the time of the spring equinox.

How we are affected by the autumnal equinox

These days, it is possible to feel sadder or more tired than usual, a state that can be caused by the autumn equinox or called autumn asthenia.

Psychologists claim that the coming of autumn can cause this state, which could last up to several weeks. Medical specialists have not identified the exact cause of autumn asthenia. However, it is assumed to be related to the low intake of natural light.

Winter time 2024. Is the time still changing this year? What decision did the European Commission take?

Another important phenomenon that will take place soon will be the change to winter time. Romania, every year is subject to biannual time changes, events that have a great negative impact on human health. Before the changes in 2020, some member states of the European Union would have had to decide whether to make the transitions to the summer/winter schedule or not.

The European Commission launched a public consultation to 4.6 million people about the time change. The result was this: 84% of the participants agreed with the elimination of the time change. Thus, each member state of the European Union had the right to decide whether or not to keep the time changes.

The decisions were supposed to appear as early as 2019, but they were not taken in time. Thus, the winter time change remains valid this year as well.

Hours change on the last weekend in March (for summer) and the last weekend in October (for winter). Daylight saving time changed in 2024 in March on the 27th, when 2:00 AM became 3:00 AM. Thus, in the warm months, people can enjoy more light, the day being much longer and the night shorter.

Thus, in 2024, winter time will change on October 28, 2024, when 4:00 will become 3:00. The day will have 25 hours, and the change comes after the autumn equinox, when the Sun crosses the Equator, reaching the Southern Hemisphere. The time change mechanism has been used by Romania since 1932, being applied by over 100 countries around the world.

In Romania, starting from 1998, the switch to summer time is made on the last Sunday of March, and to winter time, on the last Sunday of October.

How the transition to winter time affects our health

Doctors believe that people need about a week to adjust to winter time, because they have to go to bed an hour earlier than they are used to. For those suffering from certain health problems, the effects of the change in biological rhythm could be more serious.

“Most of us will adjust our biological clock pretty quickly. After a few days they will get used to the new schedule,” says Xiaoyong Yang, assistant professor at Yale University

According to the latest studies, people who have serious health problems and those over 65 have a higher risk of stroke during the first two days of the clock change.

The change to winter time can have negative effects in general, from states of stress and anxiety, fatigue, sleep disturbances, digestive problems, states of confusion, decreased vigilance and even hormonal disturbances. Specialists claim that recovery and adaptation to the new time is done in at least a week.
