The European Week of Sport promotes healthy habits for a more active society

From this Sunday the 22nd until the 30th of September, Martorell celebrates the European Sports Week with a wide range of activities for people of all ages. This annual initiative aims to encourage physical activity and sport among citizens, promote an active, healthy and inclusive lifestyle, and raise awareness of the importance of accessibility to sport and the responsible use of the environment natural and urban.

The Sports Department of the Martorell City Council has drawn up a program of events, which will take place both outdoors, in natural environments or on public roads, as well as in various sports facilities, such as the La Vila Sports Complex or the Comprehensive Sports and Health Center (CIES).

Aquatic activities at CE La Vila

CE La Vila will host water activities. On September 22, from 10:00 a.m., there will be activities aimed at families, with options adapted both for children from 6 months to 3 years and for boys and girls up to 13. They will be held in the company of ‘an adult, favoring the participation of people of all ages and encouraging physical activity in an aquatic environment.

In addition, guided water activity sessions will be organized, such as Aiguacros or Aiguagac, for those looking for a more intense physical activity. There will also be softer options such as Aigua Move, with a more moderate pace. All of them will require prior registration.

Proposals for all ages in the Can Cases Forest Park

Another place that will host events will be the Can Cases Forest Park. On Sunday, September 29, “Nordic Walking activities will take place throughout the morning from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; the Adventure Circuit – circuit between trees where participants can perform different tests of skill, strength and balance-; Archery – shooting with a sport bow at a target located between 5-10 m -, the Orienteering Circuit – with a route of approximately 2.5 km that mostly runs along the paths and trails of the Park – and workshops and activities for children and young people from Martorell Educa 360”, explains the Sports technician of the City Council, Oriol Franch. The day will have an activity information point, located in front of the car park 2 booth.

Oriol Franch, tècnic d'Esports Ajuntament de Martorell

All will start at 10:00 a.m. with the exception of the Nordic walk, which will start at 09:00 a.m. from the front of the Torrent de Llops Sports Complex – with a warm-up prior to the Red Cross walk – and which will consist of a walk following part of route 8. This is an easy route suitable for everyone, which will cross the neighborhoods of Torrent de Llops, la Sínia and Can Cases.

Outdoor physical activity

As for the outdoor physical activity proposals, from September 23 to 30, from Monday to Thursday, they will take place in the Fluvial Park and La Sínia Park. These sessions will include directed activities such as yoga, GAC, pilates and cardiobox, adapted to the characteristics of the environment.

“One of the main novelties of this edition is the availability of a free monitoring service for the children of the participants during the hours of outdoor physical activities”. It will be active from 17:15 to 20:00 at El Círcol (Plaça de la Vila, 19) simultaneously with the activities of the River Park, and at the Ponts d’Estels Children’s Home (Av. Francesc Riera s/n) when they take place in La Sínia Park. “This initiative aims to facilitate the practice of physical and sports activity with the reconciliation of family life”, says Franch.

Oriol Franch, tècnic d'Esports

On Friday the 27th, one of the most outstanding activities will take place: an outdoor cycling session, with a hundred bikes available on the Passeig de Catalunya, which will take place from 8.00pm to 9.30pm. This session will require prior registration.

Oriol Franch, tècnic d'Esports

The elderly will also have a lot of proposals during the Week. From the 23rd to the 30th, physical activities will take place in the Fluvial Park and the Sínia Park, and on Sunday the 29th there will also be a walk with a start and end at the Plaça de les Cultures that will mainly follow itinerary nº 5 of the urban walks and healthy of the municipality.

Finally, the Comprehensive Sports and Health Center will open its doors to the public on the weekend of September 28 and 29. During these days, everyone will be able to access all the spaces and services of the center for free.

Download the program of activities
