The expert named the main techniques to develop willpower

Don’t put it off until tomorrow

“Using magnetic resonance imaging scans, scientists have proven that we treat our future selves as if we were another person. When subjects were asked to think about what they would do tomorrow, the part of the brain responsible for self-identity was not activated. Don’t think that tomorrow everything will be different. You need to stop being lazy today,” the expert advises.

Learn from other people’s mistakes

“Communicate with people 10-15 years older than you. No, not in order to learn life wisdom from them, but, on the contrary, in order to see what mistakes they made 10 years ago and what this led to,” – continues the expert.

Talking to older people helps you gain wisdom. Photo: Istock

Don’t blame yourself for mistakes

“Everyone breaks promises made to themselves. Both those who achieve success and those who give up. At the same time, many mistakenly believe that if they do not forgive themselves for failures, blame and punish themselves, then they will be able to achieve success. But the unconscious is often stronger our conscious desires. In order not to become your own enemy, you must learn to forgive yourself and remember that you do not owe anything to anyone, not even yourself. Everything you do, you do of your own free will. you want it,” says Dallakyan.

Don’t stop there

Often people quit what they started after they see progress.

“Quick success reduces motivation even more than failure. In order not to quit what you started just because everything is working out for you, try to remember not your progress and results, but the reason why you started doing it. As a rule, the reason is behind beyond the first success,” the expert notes.

Don’t do any soul-searching

Internal monologue takes, according to scientists, 8-18 hours a day.

But the expert advises not to go through the same thoughts in your head. Because of this, internal dialogue on empty, repetitive topics will decrease, which means that resources will begin to be freed up for constructive work and self-regulation.

Inner dialogue affects our energy. Photo: Istock

Complete what you plan on time

At work, try to do what you have planned for the day. Then things will be done on time, and the will will be strengthened.

You can also create a precise schedule of tasks. For example:

  • I have breakfast until 8.30,
  • I go to work at 9.30
  • I answer emails until 10.30 and so on.

“Do everything strictly according to the schedule. If current affairs appear, plan them in the same spirit for tomorrow or insert them into existing “windows”, but do not violate the schedule. The point is to learn to adjust circumstances to the plan, and not vice versa to reshape the plan under constantly changing circumstances,” explains the expert.

Give up bad habits

If you have already given up bad habits and can easily live, for example, without sweets, make the task more difficult for yourself. Buy and display your favorite chocolate, but don’t eat it.

Train your muscles

Singaporean scientists have found that muscle tension can increase self-control. It is no coincidence that a person’s fists clench when he tries to resist something. Therefore, pull-ups and push-ups are what you need to train willpower.

Static exercises are also great for developing willpower: plank, yoga, holding your breath under water. Running is also helpful. Even five minutes of exercise in the fresh air reduces stress, improves mood and concentration, and increases self-control.

Running is great for developing willpower. Photo: Istock

Take your time slowly

It is important to carry out each movement with concentration, quickly and accurately, but without rushing. This way you can develop a very important property in everyday life – learn to “take your time slowly.”

Overcome impatience

“Catch yourself showing impatience when faced with small troubles and irritating factors, for example, when you are riding in a crowded subway, in a traffic jam in a car, when you see the mistakes of your subordinates or injustice on the part of your superiors. Learn to react to this calmly,” advises Dallakyan.

Eat slowly but often

This is useful not only for developing the will, but also for health.

The brain consumes up to 20% of the energy of the entire body, and if energy sources are insufficient, the more complex area of ​​the brain, the cortex, suffers first. “This is why we cannot make difficult decisions on an empty stomach; we become irritable and overly emotional. We need to eat 4-5 times a day,” the expert notes.

You need to eat 4-5 times a day. Photo: IStock

Know how to stop

Both in the office and at home, people should, if possible, resolutely stop working when they feel tired, and stop the urge to speed up the pace in order to finish it faster. Instead, it is better to give yourself the opportunity to get a good rest.

Train your breathing

“For an immediate increase in willpower, slow your breathing to 4 to 6 breaths per minute. Each breath will take 10 to 15 seconds. By slowing your breathing, you activate the prefrontal cortex and increase heart rate variability, which helps shift the brain and body from a state of stress to self-control mode,” says Dallakyan.

Learn to be silent

It is better not to tell anyone about your plans and intentions, even if you have the best intentions and want to persuade someone to follow your example. Talking usually weakens the accumulated energy needed for action.

Talking weakens the accumulated energy needed for action. Photo: IStock
