The FBiH trade deficit in August exceeded 859 million KM

21.09.2024. / 15:12

SARAJEVO – The trade deficit of the Federation of BiH in August amounted to 859,236,000 KM, while the coverage of imports by exports was 47.7 percent, which is four percent less than in July, the Federal Bureau of Statistics announced.

Exports in the amount of KM 782,950,000 were realized, which is KM 145,819,000 or 15.7 percent less compared to July, or KM 7,287,000 or 0.9 percent more compared to August of the previous year.

The value of imports in August was 1,642,186,000 KM, which is 155,982,000 KM or 8.7 percent less compared to July, or 3,417,000 KM or 0.2 percent less compared to August of the previous year.

During the eight months of this year, exports fell by an average of 0.35 percent each month, while imports grew by an average of 0.64 percent.

In August, most exports were to Germany, which was 17.3 percent of total exports, and to Croatia 15.4 percent of total exports.

The most goods were imported from Italy or 205,274,000 KM, which is 12.5 percent of the total import, and from Germany 177,064,000 KM or 10.8 percent. Roe deer
