The feeling of quarantine in Kisoroszi is passing, the main road can be opened on Wednesday

The flooding Danube closed off Kisoroszi from the outside world last Wednesdayand on Friday, boat traffic also stopped, which was able to start again on Monday thanks to the rapid subsidence. The current water level was far from the peak of 2013, but this still causes a lot of problems in cleaning up to 30 centimeters of sediment in some places.

Mayor Csaba Molnár speaking to our newspaper, he said that engineers and machines are constantly working in the area. The biggest problem is that about 300 hectares of agricultural land has been flooded.

There is a huge amount of water in this area, which can only escape through a bottleneck, but this overflow goes through the road in a 15-20 meter section. Here, it would be necessary to go down another 10 centimeters in order to open the road. The water level has dropped by one centimeter since dawn

– the mayor summed up the situation.

Life can return to normal by Wednesday

According to Csaba Molnár, this situation should be resolved by Wednesday at the latest. On the other hand, public dissatisfaction clearly increases after 5-6 days. That is why the village’s Facebook page is being updated so that everyone can see the ongoing work. Waste transport and delivery have resumed, and the cars that supply the shops can now come through.

Image: Facebook

The mayor said that there was no mistake in the defense: they got everything they asked for, including financial and technical means. These were essential for the defensive work to be carried out at a high level. Public transport operates according to a timetable, so anyone can go to school and work.
