The film “Classified”, screened at the third edition of the “Let’s Talk About…Film” program, in the Great Hall of the ICR

During the event, it will be possible to watch the Romanian film “Ranking“, awarded this year at the Transilvania International Film Festival with the “Award for the best film”. The screening will be followed by a dialogue in which the two directors will take part, Horie Hemlock and George ve Gänaeaardand the journalist Louise Basil. Entry is free, subject to availability.

“Let’s Talk About…Film” continues the Romanian Cultural Institute’s approach to promote contemporary Romanian cinema and proposes an original concept of understanding films by inviting cultural personalities passionate about the seventh art, without being directly involved in the field cinematic. The “Let’s Talk About…Film” series debuted at ICR in May 2024 and this year includes five screenings followed by debates.

“How does the film look from a journalist’s perspective? But from that of an actor who has reoriented himself to film directing? What does a composer or a philosopher propose to talk to a director? To what extent can a high school teacher convince an entire class to come to the cinema? What attracts us when we talk about a movie: the story, the actors or the music?” are some of the topics addressed during the event.

Horia Cucuta and George ve Gänaeaard’s debut independent film “Classified” is constructed as a press investigation investigating how artificial intelligence can put our lives at risk.

“Ranked” synopsis

When a software corporation tries to cover up a fire in which an employee died, a freelance journalist starts his own investigation. He discovers an artificial intelligence that was going to revolutionize internet content moderation, but also a toxic work environment in a company where an employee ends up being declared persona non grata. The investigation, led by journalist Gabriel Vânătoru and constructed as a fake documentary, becomes a complicated puzzle of some facts that led to an unfortunate incident. The cast of the film includes the following actors: Daniel Popa, Liviu Pintileasa, Silvia Helena Schmit, Emilian Oprea, Dana Marineci and Ionuț Grama.

Horia Cucuta graduated from the Academy of Economic Studies, worked for a while as a graphic designer and as a video editor, then specialized in video production, where, at his own company, “mc2 film”, he made several short films, most of them in collaboration with George ve Gänaeaard. Among the films bearing the signature of the directing duo Horia Cucută – George ve Gänaeaard are the short films: “America” ​​(2019), “Thank your for your Teeth” (2020) and “Mothers” (2020).

George and Garner is a screenwriter director and producer. He studied Sociology at SNSPA and Film and TV Directing in the UK at Aberystwyth University. George has written over 50 short film scripts, six feature films, directed and produced eight short films and worked as part of the production team on the feature films ‘Domestic’ (2012), ‘Ilegitim’ (2015) and ‘Fixeur’ (2016), all directed by Adrian Sitaru.

Luiza Vasiliu she is a freelance journalist. He learned the basics of the job at “Dilema”, and in 2016 he co-founded “Scena9”, a platform for the young generation of artists, writers, philosophers, etc. Meanwhile, he published a series of investigations about surgeon Gheorghe Burnei at “Casa Jurnalistului”. The series was a finalist for the “European Science Writer of The Year Award”. He wrote about astrophysicists researching black holes, a dissident who set fire to Communism, a teacher punished for recommending that students see a film about Rimbaud and Verlaine. Recently, he coordinated “Cadedra de Abuz”, a journalism project about abuse and harassment in our schools and universities.
