“The first concert I photographed for BLITZ was Os Cavacos. It was horrible, there was no light.” Rita Carmo at the Issuing Post

At Posto Emissor, photojournalist Rita Carmo, a BLITZ collaborator since 1992, recalled her first work for the then newspaper: a concert by Os Cavacos, a band that brought together Zé Pedro and Jorge Palma, and which gave a single concert, “in a carnival Sunday”, in the old Johnny Guitar.

“Zé Pedro had blond hair on his head, it was his photo that came out. They were a mix of several bands, who got together there, to make fun of the prime minister at the time, Cavaco Silva”. An experience that Rita Carmo describes as “horrible”: “there was no light, Johnny Guitar had a lamp… It went horribly wrong”.

Listen to the full answer here, starting at 19:44:

Source: expresso.pt