The first tender for road maintenance in Serbia after 30 years

Goran Vesić, Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, announced that by the end of the year, the first tender for road maintenance in Serbia after three decades will be announced. He, in a guest appearance on RTS, emphasized that until now the maintenance of roads was regulated without tenders, while many companies worked on the basis of contracts older than 30 years.

Illustration (Photo: Pexels)

According to the minister, Serbia annually spends between 35 and 40 billion dinars on maintaining the road network. Three years ago, the state audit issued an order to Roads of Serbia to introduce greater transparency into these processes and to bring them into line with the legal framework.

Vesić stated that after assuming the ministerial position, he immediately initiated preparations for a new tender, which will cover regular and ongoing maintenance of roads, as well as winter services, reported Tanjug.

The minister pointed out that the new system will enable the engagement of companies with the capacity for adequate road maintenance, in addition to responsibility for possible omissions. If there is damage to the road sections, the companies that have been engaged will be responsible, so Roads of Serbia will not pay for the damage.

In this way it will be ensured more efficient spending of public fundssince the state will have a clear picture of the quality of services it receives, while companies that maintain roads will have precisely defined rights and obligations.

Vesić pointed out that the citizens will benefit from these changes, because the roads will be better maintained, while the companies in charge of maintenance will be safer in doing business with the state.

Tougher penalties and smart roads

Speaking about traffic safety, Vesić pointed out the need for stricter penalties, especially for those who they cover license plates to avoid sanctions. The Ministry proposed drastic penalties for such acts, as well as introduction of mandatory tarpaulins for trucksbecause the scattering of materials such as gravel on the roads was observed, which poses a serious risk for drivers.

Also, Vesić emphasized that in cooperation with Telekom Srbija and the Mihajlo Pupin Institute, they are working on the development of the so-called of smart roads. These roads should be able to communicate with vehicles, allowing them to recognize traffic signs and speed limits, thus improving traffic safety.
