AUR Senator Petrişor Peiu said that the measures provided for in the draft ordinance regarding some fiscal-budgetary measures published by the Ministry of Finance represent “a fiscal bomb” dropped on the entire economy, because in this way the state’s financial crisis will spread to the economy as well.
“Romania is entering a deep economic and democratic crisis with Marcel Ciolacu on board the locomotive of a killer ‘train’. Until now we had a functional economy and a state in serious financial crisis. From now on, the crisis of the state will spread throughout the economy. To save its reckless style of governance, the PSD-PNL-UDMR coalition dropped the fiscal bomb on the entire economy. Dividends will be taxed at 10%, up 25% from the current threshold. This will affect almost 3 million Romanians, associates or shareholders of over 900,000 registered companies! Tax facilities for IT, construction and food industry employees disappear, which will make the situation difficult for 580,000 construction employees, 200,000 IT employees and 150,000 food industry employees. In addition, companies in the respective fields, approximately a fifth of the economy (of GDP) will have to increase their gross wages (to maintain their net wages). As a result, some of these companies will collapse, and the remaining ones will increase their prices. We will, therefore, have a rekindling of inflation!”, stated Senator Peiu, according to the aforementioned AUR press release.
According to the AUR parliamentarian, these measures also indicate a “moral and democratic crisis” generated by the current government.
“We have a moral crisis, but also a democratic one: a moral crisis generated by the fact that the current government took all the votes it took promising to maintain the existing tax regime, in order to then dramatically change the tax regime in the first week of government . We also have a serious democratic crisis, generated by the slippage of an abusive, almost dictatorial power, manifested by the massive modification of the fiscal framework through an ordinance, without any public or parliamentary debate and ignoring the rule not to modify taxation less than 6 months in advance of the application of the change. For all these reasons, the PSD-PNL-UDMR regime has deeply disqualified itself and has become toxic for the economy and for our democracy”, says Senator Petrişor Peiu.
The tax on distributed dividends from 2025 will increase from 8% to 10%, the facilities that benefit employees in IT, construction, agriculture and the food industry will be eliminated, the ceiling for the income of micro-enterprises will be reduced from the current 500,000 euros to 250,000 euros, and the construction tax is reinstated, according to the draft Ordinance on some fiscal-budgetary measures, published on Sunday by the Ministry of Finance.
The Ministry of Finance specifies that the measures proposed by the draft normative act take into account the commitment assumed by the Government within the PNRR regarding the review of the existing taxation framework in Romania, ensuring fairness and equity in the system based on the principle of neutrality of taxation, as well as the implementation of a more fiscal system correct, more efficient, simpler and more transparent, without affecting economic growth and the development of economic sectors impacted by fiscal policy decisions. Also, through the Medium-Term National Budgetary-Structural Plan – 2025-2031 presented to the European Commission, the Government of Romania undertook to ensure a trajectory for adjusting the budget deficit starting in 2025, through a series of measures, including fiscal reforms that have among their objectives the adjustment of the system of fiscal facilities for the main categories of taxes and fees in such a way as to respect the principle of fair taxation but also to avoid the formation of distortions in the matter of fiscal policy, which would imply the generation of fiscal inequities between different categories of taxpayers.