The forint hit a new low following the news of the Iranian attack

The outlook for the forint will also be discussed at Portfolio’s October conference.

After Friday’s weakening, we also saw some weakening yesterday, but by the end of the day the forint returned to its morning level. This morning HUF 397 is 30 fils for one euro, and we do not see any movement in the early hours of the morning.

Currency pairs, indices, commodities, shares, CFDs. Everything that makes a trader’s heart beat in connection with fluctuating exchange rates. Portfolio Trader

The dollar shows a minimal strengthening against the euro, the quote is now around 1.113. The forint is slightly weaker against the euro, 356 forints cost 90 fils to the dollar, which means a 0.1% weakening of the forint in the morning.

Currency pairs, indices, commodities, shares, CFDs. Everything that makes a trader’s heart beat in connection with fluctuating exchange rates. Portfolio TraderThe forint hit a new low following the news of the Iranian attack
Currency pairs, indices, commodities, shares, CFDs. Everything that makes a trader’s heart beat in connection with fluctuating exchange rates. Portfolio TraderThe forint hit a new low following the news of the Iranian attack

Today will be an important day for the forint, as the US ISM purchasing managers’ index will be released in the afternoon. For investors, the state of the US economy is now a key issue, so they are paying more attention than usual to the ISM bmi. In addition, there is the number of open positions from the USA, which is also very important.

The cover image is an illustration. Cover image source: Getty Images
