The Freedom Party is changing its headquarters

Currently on the page an advertisement for the former headquarters of the Freedom Party has been placed.

It says that premises with an area of ​​184 square meters are rented for 2.5 thousand. euros per month.

Announcement of the lease of the headquarters of the Freedom Party

Where are you moving and why?

Chairman of the Freedom Party Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius 15min revealed where the party will be based from now on and why such a decision was made.

“We are moving to new premises in Naujamiestis, Naugarduk Street 41 (…) The main idea is that the party’s grant is decreasing after the unsuccessful elections, so we need to optimize resources, but also for certain ideological reasons – premises near the Seimas are needed when you work in the parliament, and now we will work in the community, so we move where there are people who support the Freedom Party”, said the former MP.

According to him, the rent for new premises in Naujamiestis is twice as low as for the old ones in Gediminas Avenue.

Is the party filling up?

Among other things, TVRaskevičius revealed that around 50 members left the party since the failed Seimas elections.

However, about 70 new members joined the party.

“There are more people who joined than people who left,” emphasized the chairman of the Freedom Party.

According to him, not a single former member of the Seimas left the party.

In the last term of the Seimas, the Freedom Party was part of the ruling coalition together with the conservatives and the Liberal Movement, but the only party out of this trio did not enter the new Seimas.
