The association of Friends of Sant Antoni Abat organizes the party of the Tres Tombsfrom January 10 to 12. This Tuesday, the program and the poster were presented at the institution’s premises, in Plaça de Maria Canela. The celebration is held in commemoration of Sant Antoni, protector of round-footed animals, and features the traditional three laps of horses, carts and other draft animals through the interior of the town.
The events will begin this Friday, January 10, with the general assembly of the entity, at 8:00 p.m., at the social premises of the Friends of Sant Antoni, and the draw for the boxes and tickets for the vermouth concert, at 8:30 p.m. h.
Saturday, January 11, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., the rest of the boxes and tickets for the vermouth concert will be sold at the organization’s headquarters (boxes and tickets not sold on Friday). At 18.00, in Plaça de la Vila there will be, as a novelty, the concert-recital with the Municipal School of Music.
At Pont del Diable, at 6:30 p.m., according to the treasurer of the Friends of Sant Antoni, Josep Vilella, “there will be the lighting of the wind chimes with the fire of Sant Antoni and the accompaniment of the organization’s flags to the portal of Anoia to receive this year’s crier, with the collaboration of the Martorell Devil’s Gang”.
“In Plaça de la Vila there will be a proclamation of festivities with Joaquim Massaneda Llinàs, flag captain, and the change of flags that will take place from the Martorell Skate Hockey Club to the Micorella Motor Club”. This year’s cordonist will be Jaume Andrés Galofré, and the flag bearers Pepe Arco Lorca and Elvira Alcaine Agulló.
Then, “attendees will taste Sant Antoni’s broth, warm and made on the ground fire” (pork gastronomy of the Bearded Week), in charge of the Esplai de la Gent Gran de la Vila coordinated by Pere Bel and with the material collaboration of the residents’ association of the Rosanes neighborhood. “In addition, the bonfires of Sant Antoni will be enjoyed with the Colla de Diables de Martorell”.
Josep Vilella, tresorer Amics de Sant Antoni
At El Progrés, from 9pm, concert with the soprano Eulàlia Ara, accompanied on the piano by Giuseppe Tavanti, with a first part of Catalan music and a second part of Italian arias.
On Sunday, in Plaça de Maria Canela, from 8.30 to 10.30am, there will be the traginer breakfast. At the end, the horsemen, cavalry and carriages will gather to begin the garnishment and hitching. At 11.30am, the march through the streets and squares of Martorell will begin with the Symphonic Band.
“Sunday is the big day, when we do the parade, the passing of carts, horses and mules, with the idea of blessing the animals so that we can take advantage of their work, take care of them and enjoy an artistic heritage, Martorell’s own cultural and traditional”, said Vilella.
Josep Vilella, tresorer Amics de Sant Antoni
At the Plaça de l’Església, around 1:00 p.m., the riders and carriages will arrive to begin the Three Tombs, with the blessing of the animals by Mr. Rector
At El Progrés, at 2:00 p.m., there will be a vermouth concert with La Bisbal International Cobla La Principal. At 7:00 p.m., the Gala Ball will arrive, with the same musical group.
Sergi Corral, Councilor for Culture, thanked the organization for its work in keeping the festival alive. He appreciated “the amount of carriages and materials that have been collected and that teach the origins of this celebration.”
Sergi Corral, regidor de Cultura
“Part of the historical memory is the carts as a work tool that for centuries man has used, in coexistence with the animal, respecting it, because without it there was no transport”, said Vilella. “We must remember our past to keep it present.” “Our museum walks through Martorell once a year and then we also take it to other towns”.
Josep Vilella, tresorer Amics de Sant Antoni
The poster for this edition was made by Martorell artist David Pérez (Sibux) who wanted to “humanize horses, turning the concept of the Three Tombs around”. “Both those who lead the horses and the horses are the protagonists and I have made a combination with the photographic technique of chlorotype, solar impression on the leaves taking advantage of chlorophyll”.
David Pérez (Sibux), artista autor del cartell
Sibux added that “I’m very excited to make the poster because I follow this party a lot and visually it’s quite a spectacle that I always take advantage of to photograph. I am very happy that I have been invited to be the author of this year’s poster”.