The funeral allowance will increase. The President signed the amendment – Domestic – News

The funeral allowance will increase from 79.67 euros to 200 euros. This follows from the amendment to the funeral allowance law, which was signed by President Peter Pellegrini on Wednesday. This follows from information published on the website of the Office of the President of the Slovak Republic.

03.10.2024 10:48

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The amendment was submitted to the parliament by a group of MPs for the SNS coalition, which justified the changes by the need to take into account the current economic conditions and ensure sufficient financial support for survivors.

“Since the last adjustment of the funeral allowance in 2007, there has been a significant increase in the cost of living, including the price of funeral services, which has made the current amount of the allowance insufficient to cover the costs associated with the funeral,” the petitioners said.

According to them, increasing the contribution will contribute to social justice and will lead to the easing of the financial burden on families after the loss of a loved one. The new legislation will be effective from the beginning of next year.

The President also signed an amendment to the law on the protection of the monument fund. The deadline for exercising the state’s right of pre-emption for the purchase of a national cultural monument will thus be extended from 30 days to 60 days. “The reason is the need for an appropriate period of time to assess whether the acquisition of the proposed cultural monument has a justified significance for the state not only from the point of view of the protection of the monument fund of the Slovak Republic, but also from the point of view of the expediency and effectiveness of its further use in fulfilling the tasks of the state,” explained the members of parliament who proposed submitted. The new legislation will be effective from November 1.

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The fund for the support of the culture of national minorities (FPKNM) will now have 8.8 million euros available. This follows from the amendment to the Act on FPKNM, which was also signed by Pellegrini. The half-million increase in allocation from the state budget is related to the official recognition of the Vietnamese national minority. The support activity of the fund will now also concern this, in the order of the 14th official national minority in the Slovak Republic, and therefore the amount must be increased.

The amendment also brings a change in the number of members of the FPKNM Board of Directors. It should increase from 15 to 17. “Since one member of the board of directors will be added to the board of directors of the fund for the coordination board or expert board of the Vietnamese national minority, the board of directors would have an even number of members. For this reason, it is proposed that the Minister of Culture of the Slovak Republic appoints and dismisses two members of the board of directors. The board of directors will thus have 17 members,” the presenters explained.

The percentage of designated FPKNM revenues that the fund can use for its own operation will also increase from six to seven percent. According to the presenters, the adjustment was necessary due to the increase in health contributions for employers since the beginning of the year, as well as the increase in other operational costs of the fund.
