Receives the name of Gold of the Incasbut it is a fruit. In the past it was a symbol of fertility, today, one of its most notable properties is that it is used as a natural sweetener. It is cultivated, above all, in countries such as Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile and Peru. It’s about the lucuma.
According to the Heraldis beginning to make a place for itself in the Spanish diet. This, according to the information of The Chroniclerhas a wide range of nutritional properties that They can be very beneficial for the body. One of them is the amount of antioxidants it contains.
But they go further. As stated in the aforementioned media, lucuma also boasts of providing high levels of both proteins and carbohydrates. In addition, contains iron, phosphorus, calcium and niacin, among other components.
Another aspect that is highlighted from The Chronicler of this piece of fruit is that It is a source of vitamin Awhich makes it healthy at a cellular level, but also vitamin C. This, according to the media, is what motivates the body to generate and produce collagen. And this, in turn, makes the skin more elastic.
One of the most common ways to prepare it for consumers is as lucuma flour. For this, The pulp is extracted from the fruit and crushed until it is in the form of this ingredient.which will remain, of course, yellow. Likewise, it is used as a replacement for refined sugar and is added to some desserts.