The Government, the PP and the Canarian president confirm secret meetings to negotiate the distribution of migrant minors

The Government, the Popular Party and the president of the Canary Islands have sat down to negotiate the distribution of migrant minors. This Monday a meeting was held discreetly between the parties with the aim of unblocking the processing of the reform of the Immigration Law. “A series of technical meetings are being held, with total discretion, to study various documents and reach an agreement for a quick solution for migrant minors,” confirm sources close to the negotiation.

The Minister of Territorial Policy, Ángel Víctor Torres; the head of Youth and Children, Sira Rego; the PP spokesperson in Congress, Miguel Tellado; and the Canarian president, Fernando Clavijo, held this Monday a meeting described as “technical” to advance a political agreement on the transfer of migrant minors.

The same sources do not give more details about the development of the negotiation, and insist that the objective was to maintain discretion over the content of the meetings to avoid “tensions and outbursts” and achieve an agreement that decongests the reform of the Immigration Law. . “All necessary meetings will be held until an agreement is reached,” they add. The reactivation of negotiations on the regulatory change that would speed up the transfer of migrant minors was pending the diagnosis of the Ministry of Youth and Children on the minimum number of places that each autonomous community must have, from which the details of financing, which will be one of the key points to address in the process.

While the rate of arrivals of migrants to the Canary Islands does not cease and an increase is expected in the coming weeks linked to the time of the calm sea, the Archipelago does not have a plan b to reinforce the reception of minors in case the emergency multiply. “Beyond the tents – set up in several ports on the islands and which have been questioned by the Prosecutor’s Office – and continuing to provide resources, we do not have another contingent,” the Canary Islands president, Fernando Clavijo, acknowledged last week. With time increasingly against, the Canarian Government is betting everything on closing an agreement between the central Executive and the Popular Party to reform the Immigration Law. Clavijo then said that he aspired to reach said agreement and approve the regulatory change through the decree-law “within a period of three weeks.”

The parties involved sit at a time when there are still major differences regarding the approach to regulatory change and the corresponding financing. The PP requests financing by the State of all open places once 100% occupancy is exceeded. And, once 150% has been drawn, the popular ones request not only its financing but also the management of the reception by the State, something that in July the Government considered unaffordable when it came into collision with the distribution of powers.

Added to the difficulties in reaching an agreement on substantive issues are the increase in tensions between the Canary Islands and the central Government, aggravated after the approval of a new protocol for the reception of migrant minors in the Archipelago that has ended up paralyzed by Justice. in a precautionary manner.

The increase in tension between the parties, as Clavijo acknowledged, has been part of the strategy to push for solutions: “The relationship (with the central government) is tense. Within the strategy you have to move the tree. If we didn’t really raise the tone, things weren’t going to move, the State was comfortable.” Added to this is a direct judicial battle between the central and regional Executives, after the Council of Ministers has agreed to file an unconstitutionality appeal against the measure after receiving the green light from the Council of State.
