The government will increase the excise tax on junk food. Who will determine what foods are unhealthy? 17

The government promises to increase the excise tax on unhealthy food. Who will determine what foods are unhealthy? This question was asked by a viewer to a guest of the TV24 program “Uz linijas. Dzīvesveids” Laume SpringeDeputy Director of the Institute of Public Health, Riga University. Stradinya.

«Speaking of junk food, this is one of the mechanisms to ensure that daily eating habits are healthy – unhealthy foods will be subject to a higher excise tax, and healthy foods will be subject to a lower excise tax. How this is decided is based on research, based on expert opinion, it is by no means a one-man decision”, notes Springe, adding that she does not know the exact order and algorithm.

She points out that the Ministry of Health has a special Nutrition Council, where leading experts in the field gather, so you should rely on the fact that there are enough competent experts who will find the best solutions.
