The great power of the East has arrived: armed men can go to the Muslim country, but they can get a good kick in the ankles

The security situation in the Muslim country has long been unfavorable for Chinese guest workers and engineers, who mostly worked on giant Chinese investments in Pakistan. Because of the incidents, Beijing’s patience began to wear thin and it asked the Pakistani leadership to guarantee the protection of Chinese citizens. Despite all efforts, Islamabad could not fulfill this, so now the Eastern superpower can provide the security personnel to protect its own interests. Previously, the leadership of the Islamic power wanted to avoid this at all costs, as they were afraid of their own sovereignty aspects. According to the agreement, people working on the implementation of the investments could be transported with armored vehicles.

Thousands of Chinese are believed to be working in Pakistan, which has been frequently attacked by Islamist extremists in recent years, and several have been killed. As a result, Beijing became increasingly wary of deepening ties as it felt insecure about its investments in the country. Islamabad is fighting many different groups, some of which want to overthrow the government, other militants want to achieve territorial independence. Overlap, however

the various insurgent factions view the Chinese as conquerors or modern colonizers.

China, on the other hand, was satisfied with the constant incidents and managed to allow its own defense services to work at the most important locations.

Pakistan was forced to give way, as its economy is greatly influenced by the 50 billion dollars of Chinese capital, which can bring a boom under the CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor). The loss of this could lead to a crisis in the country, which is why the political leadership was forced to concede to China.

Under the framework of the proposed joint security companies, Pakistani personnel will be in the outer cordon and Chinese personnel will be in the inner cordon to protect Chinese nationals

– one of the people involved, who requested anonymity, told the Japanese newspaper. The move also means that Beijing is willing to take on a much larger role than before in order to protect its own interests, and is even willing to use armed forces to do so. On the other hand, the decision may also have the opposite effect in the country, as the locals may even more appreciate that the Eastern great power wants to bring the country under its control even more, and therefore dissatisfaction with Chinese activities may increase.

The cover image is an illustration. Cover image source: Portfolio
