The Green Party KU notifies the government of new demands on the Migration Agency

Annika Hirvonen (MP).

Published 10 January 2025 at 09:56

Domestic. The government’s plan to delay the distribution of new citizenships is reported to KU by the Green Party, which believes that the demands on the Migration Agency violate the constitution.

The government is accused by the Green Party of violating the constitution after giving the Migration Agency the task of tightening security checks for people applying for Swedish citizenship.

MP’s Annika Hirvonen uppger för TV4 News that the government tries to influence authority decisions.

– The government has also been clear that the aim is that the Migration Agency should not make decisions in accordance with the law that actually applies in Sweden. This, I believe, is completely against the constitution because the government may not intervene in the exercise of individual authority, says Annika Hirvonen, who is now working on a KU report against the government.

The Swedish Migration Agency has already tightened its controls, but the government wants to see even tougher measures. Migration Minister Johan Forssell (M) defends the decision and refers to the serious security situation.

Annika Hirvonen believes, however, that the government’s decision is against the constitution because the government is not allowed to influence the exercise of individual authorities. She also criticizes the government for putting security measures above the rights of individuals.

Forssell hits back in the following way in TV4:

– It is remarkable that the Green Party takes Sweden’s security so lightly. This shows the differences in Swedish politics.
