The handball team, which made a lot of mistakes, lost to the Germans

Friday, July 19, 2024 6:46 p.m

The Olympic quota Hungarian men’s handball team lost as a guest of Germany in the preparatory match held in Stuttgart.

warm-up match:
Germany-Hungary 33-29 (20-13)
the Hungarian goal scorers: Bánhidi 6, Imre, Lékai, Ilic, Szita, Rodríguez, Bóka, Fazekas 3-3, Rosta, Bodó 1-1
shots/goals: 49/33 and 44/29
goals from seven meters: 4/4 and 3/2
exhibitions: 2 and 2 minutes, respectively

The two teams in Stuttgart were greeted by an almost as great atmosphere as before the German-Hungarian match of the European Championship in January in Cologne, but the image and course of the game was different. Half a year ago, the Hungarians were in the lead almost throughout the first half, but this time they were never able to gain an advantage. It was very difficult to break through the well-functioning domestic defensive wall, and the German national team almost always punished ball turnovers and inaccurate shots by running down and scoring a quick goal.

Barely nine minutes had passed, national team captain Chema Rodríguez called a time-out (8-3), then replaced both of his strikers and the manager, and in the 19th minute, only Bóka Bendegúz was on the field among the starters. Despite this, the situation did not change, the recovery was slow, so almost every domestic attack ended with a goal and the difference was already eight hits (15-7).

From the 22nd minute until the beginning of the second half of the match played in front of 5,022 spectators, the goals fell alternately, after the break the Hungarians were back on the pitch. The hardening of the defense was well illustrated by the fact that Renars Uscins’ shoe flew off during a German attack. It was much more important that the saves came from Kristóf Palasics, based on this the team caught up 26-24 with a 7-1 run.

The Hungarians were able to take advantage of the dramatic improvement in their defense against the Slovenians, but not this time, because errors continued to creep in in attack. In the heat, the Germans pulled away again and won by leading all the way.

Kristóf Palasics finished with ten saves, László Bartucz had no save this time. On the other side, Andreas Wolff made two saves, David Späth seven, Lukas Mertens six and Juri Knorr contributed to the success with five goals.
