The health of the manager: a strategic investment for the company – Study and Barometer > Brands

Prevention is better than cure… Do you know the adage? For MMA, the issue of the manager’s health has an essential societal dimension. Between prevention and foresight: decryption with Sylvie Bonello, General Delegate of the MMA Foundation of Entrepreneurs of the Future.

Behind every successful business is a leader, a captain whose vision and energy propel the business. But what happens when the latter is weakened? The 10th barometer from the MMA Foundation of Entrepreneurs of the Future reveals that while 90% of managers say they are in good health, 71% suffer from recurring physical disorders and 24% report fair or poor psychological health (a figure which rises to 30% for 18-24 year olds). “ When you ask business leaders, they always do well. But when we go further into the questioning, we see that they suffer from different ailments », notes Sylvie Bonello, General Delegate of the MMA Foundation of Entrepreneurs of the Future. Back pain, joint pain, stress and sleep disorders are the most frequently cited. “ The entrepreneuralways wants to give the image of himself as a person who is doing well, whose dynamism cannot be tainted »continues Sylvie Bonello. A finding confirmed by the figures: 32% of managers have given up consulting a doctor in the last 12 months, 10% admit to never doing so. “ It is important that leaders can allow themselves to say when they are suffering both physically and psychologically. Illness can no longer be considered as proof of weakness which undermines the legitimacy to lead »insists Sylvie Bonello.

A very real risk, often underestimated

Managers, used to carrying the weight of their company, sometimes tend to neglect their own health. This tendency to minimize one’s own difficulties can have severe consequences, not only for the manager himself, but also for his activity. The barometer reveals that 44% of managers who experienced a long illness feared for the future of their company and 21% noted a drop in their turnover. “ The lack of prevention and foresight for the manager can lead to a chain reaction throughout the company », underlines Sylvie Bonello who indicates: “ the message that we wish to deliver to managers is simple and clear: listen to yourself, take care of yourself because the health of your business is intrinsically linked to your own health ».

Between prevention and foresight…

Faced with this observation, it is essential to promote a culture of prevention and foresight within companies. Simple measures can be put in place, such as encouraging regular physical activity, promoting a balanced diet, or even facilitating access to medical consultations. Beyond prevention, foresight is also essential. This involves anticipating the consequences of a possible illness or accident on the company’s activity. “ Foresight is very widespread in large companies, comments Sylvie Bonello. For smaller organizations, it is still often seen as a cost center “. Thus, while 82% have adopted prevention practices (sport, diet), only 49% have put in place contingency measures to protect their business in the event of serious illness. Implementing pension solutions helps protect the manager, his loved ones and his company. The health of the manager is a strategic investment, too often neglected. By becoming aware of the risks and implementing appropriate prevention and foresight measures, companies can ensure their sustainability and contribute to the well-being of those who manage them. Because, as Sylvie Bonello points out, “ taking care of your own health means taking care of this business that you created and cherish so much ».

To learn more about MMA prevention solutions.

To go further, download the Barometer of the MMA Foundation of Entrepreneurs of the Future & Bpifrance Le Lab “Shape and state of mind of managers of VSEs, SMEs and ETIs” March 2024 – 10th edition.
