The heaviest pumpkin weighed 615 kilograms, and we also measured the longest so far


21. 9. 2024, 20.05

Updated: 21.9.2024, 20.11

A national competition for the heaviest pumpkin was held today in Mozirske Gaj.

He won today’s national competition for the heaviest pumpkin in Mozirski Gaj Uros Fifolthis beauty weighed as much as 615 kilograms, the organizers announced on Facebook. They didn’t break the record for the weight of the pumpkin, but they did measure the longest pumpkin ever. Pumpkin Erika Rinka Permeta she measured 305 centimeters, they added.


The record pumpkin at the national competition was weighed last year, when the event was moved from the flooded Mozirski gaj to Slovenj Gradec, namely it weighed 842 kilograms. He produced it Janko Lovšawho won for the fifth time in a row last year. His pumpkin from 2022 weighed 533 kilograms, and the pumpkin from 2021 weighed 719 kilograms, announced the company Lotrič Metrology, which took care of the weighing.
