The iconic Thrall from Warcraft has arrived in Waze. In the form of voice navigation, it can be your companion on the go

Using navigation while driving into the unknown is practically a daily bread for many. With frequent use of navigation, it can easily become commonplace and you, for example, don’t even notice that you should have turned. A pleasant refreshment can be the possibility to be navigated by Thrall, an iconic character known from the game world of Warcraft III and World of Warcraft.

Waze mobile navigation is best known for its strong user base and nifty real-time alerts. It also includes a wide variety of user customizations that can make drivers’ journeys more pleasant and enhance the driving experience, such as choosing a custom vehicle icon, dozens of voices for voice commands, planning trips or searching for gas stations based on personal preferences.

Thrall as a voice companion with funny sayings

According to the magazine Android Police enriched the Waze Thrall navigation, whose iconic voice can now accompany you on your way. Unfortunately, his navigation is only in English, but we can still enjoy his calm voice and a number of funny messages in our country.

The path to Thrall is through settings or a popup window

Autor: Cnews

Outside of Thrall's voice, you can change the vehicle icon or mood

Outside of Thrall’s voice, you can change the vehicle icon or mood

Autor: Cnews

In addition to Thrall’s voice, there’s also a new vehicle icon in the form of a red dragon, or the ability to make it clear to other users whether your heart beats for the Horde or the Alliance. Thrall will sometimes reward you while driving with a funny message like “This is not the end of the world” or “A clever strategy to fool any pursuers”.

You can find Thrall’s voice along with other customizations in the application settings, or click on the pop-up window after the first launch. The unusual association of different characters with Waze is not a completely unique matter. For example, in June of this year, the famous Mimons randomly shouting “banana!” were added to the navigation.
