The import of WINE to Serbia has almost DOUBLE compared to the export!

During 2023, the European Union produced 1.49 billion liters of sparkling wine, which is a drop of 8% compared to the previous year, when production was 1.62 billion liters, according to Eurostat data. Italy was the largest producer with 638 million litres, while France, Germany, Spain and Portugal produced 312, 263, 206 and 25 million litres, respectively. In Serbia, about 30 million liters of wine are produced annually, and in 2023 we had a negative foreign trade balance, both in terms of volume and value of wine turnover.

The import of WINE to Serbia has almost DOUBLE compared to the export!

As reported by the portal biznis.rsthe European Union exported 600 million liters of sparkling wine to countries outside the EU in 2023, which represents a drop of eight percent compared to 649 million liters in 2022.

Despite the decline in 2023, the level of exports remained higher than in previous years. Namely, 498 million liters were exported in 2018, 528 million liters in 2019 and 495 million liters in 2020.

Observed by categories of sparkling wines, last year the EU exported the most on average – 44 percent or 266 million liters and sparkling wine from fresh grapes – 17 percent or 100 million liters.

In third place is champagne with a 15 percent share in total exports (91 million liters), while in fourth position is the Spanish sparkling wine coffee – 10 percent or 60 million liters. Other sparkling wines from fresh grapes with a protected designation of origin (PDO) had a six percent share in total exports with 33 million liters.

In 2023, EU countries imported five million liters of sparkling wine from non-member countries, which is less than one percent of the amount they exported.

In Serbia, wine imports are almost twice as large as exports

About 30 million liters of wine are produced in Serbia annually, and our country achieved a negative foreign trade balance in 2023 – both in terms of quantity and value of turnover.

“Wine consumption in Serbia is relatively low and amounts to 14 liters per inhabitant per year. In 2023, Serbia exported wines worth 22 million euros, while imports were significantly higher and amounted to 43 million euros,” the secretary of the Association for Plant Production and Food Industry of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce recently told (PKS) Aleksandar Bogunović.

According to him, the largest volume of trade in wine, excluding flavored wine, was achieved by Serbia, as in previous years, through exchange within the region of Southeast Europe – the CEFTA market, while imports from this market are still very pronounced. It accounts for about 50 percent of total wine imports in 2023.

Part of the trade takes place with the countries of the European Union, so last year more than 40 percent of the total import was imported from this market, while over 18 percent of the total wine export was exported to the EU market, which is approximately equal to the export in 2022, data show. PKS.

“A significant part of wine trade takes place with other countries, with the dominance of exports to the market of the Russian Federation. During 2023, eight million euros worth of wine was exported to Russia. Observed by country, last year, like the previous one, the largest amount of wine was imported from North Macedonia. The largest amount of wine in 2023 was exported to the markets of the Russian Federation, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Bogunović points out.

According to data from the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, the foreign trade exchange of flavored wine takes place on a much smaller scale, with exports in 2023 recording a significant increase, both in comparison with the previous year and in comparison with the average export in the period from 2015 to 2023. year.

The dominant volume of aromatized wine imports from Serbia, as in previous years, came from the EU market.
