The importance of X-rays for modern medicine

X-ray or X-ray is of great importance in modern medicine because it enables a painless, non-invasive and quick examination of all the internal structures of the body. With its help, it is possible to establish a quick and precise diagnosis, because it shows those internal structures, such as bones, lungs, teeth, but also some soft organs.

With the help of x-rays, all potential fractures, tumors, infections, inflammations can be quickly recognized, which makes it one of the most important diagnostic methods in medicine. It is also used for preventive examinations, when there is a suspicion of pneumonia or signs of a certain disease that should be checked, as well as for dental imaging in most cases.

Through this method, the progress of the disease and the success of the treatment are monitored, when a certain therapy is included, in order to be able to take further steps, change or cancel the therapy. Due to its reliability, it is also a guide for various procedures, such as the placement of a pacemaker or catheter, as it represents a map of the organs and their structures.

What can a dental scan reveal?

One of the most common reasons for which this type of diagnosis is used is dental imaging. If the dentist needs additional confirmation of the existence of a problem with the teeth, the action that needs to be performed is the imaging of the teeth.

It very often happens that it is not possible to see certain parts of the jaw because they are inaccessible, so help is needed for conditions that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Thus, for example, imaging of the teeth is used to see how far the caries between the teeth has progressed, which could not be seen in any other way.

Checking for caries by imaging the teeth is the most basic, while it is also used to check the roots of the teeth, as well as when there is a suspicion of a deeper infection. After that, panoramic imaging of the jaw is done mainly when certain orthodontic work is needed, i.e. placement of dentures and implants.

X-ray of the head

X-rays are also used to image the bones of the skull, and sometimes when it is necessary to image the soft tissues of the head. It is most often used when it is necessary to detect skull fractures, that is, in cases of head injury, where there is a possibility of a more serious injury that must be monitored.

Then, in people who have chronic and serious sinus infections, head scans help determine whether there is inflammation or sinus congestion so that appropriate treatment can be administered.

In certain cases, it is needed to detect a tumor or any abnormal masses that may be found in the skull, although CT or magnetic resonance imaging is more commonly used today.

When there are some congenital deformities of the skull or problems with the jaw that require the help of reconstructive medicine, this method is also used.

Detailed examination of the heart and lungs

One of the key radiological examinations in medicine is a detailed examination of the heart and lungs. It is called a chest x-ray, or chest X-ray, and it gives us important information about the state of the lungs, heart, all blood vessels, as well as the diaphragm.

It is used in cases where there are problems with the lungs, i.e. most often pneumonia, where any inflammatory process can be detected, as well as the presence of fluid in the lungs themselves. An X-ray can quickly indicate a pulmonary embolism, which can serve as a starting point for other analyses.

It can also determine the size of the heart, that is, the existence of heart failure or some other heart disease that must be regulated. Changes in the size of the heart chambers, as well as fluids that can accumulate around the heart, can also be clearly seen.

Early detection of breast cancer

Early detection of breast cancer is possible precisely with mammography, which is an X-ray examination that can indicate abnormalities in the tissue and any changes. Mammography represents a very important method for detecting changes before the first symptoms appear.

It can also detect breast cancer at a very early stage, which significantly increases the chances of successful treatment, because at that initial stage treatment can be started with less invasive methods.

Microcalcifications, that is, small deposits of calcium that can be found in the tissue of the breast itself, can also be detected. They can be the first signs of cancer, such as ductal carcinoma.

Therefore, it is very important for women who have a history of similar diseases to perform this examination. Also, women after the age of 40 should start with annual preventive mammography examinations.

Examination of the bone-joint system

Of course, as soon as a sprain or a potential fracture occurs, the first stop after the doctor’s examination is the imaging, because the condition of the bone or joint cannot be determined with the naked eye.

There you can see the fracture line, the position of the bone fragment, and then further treatment methods are decided or the need for surgical intervention is assessed.

Of course, it is often used to assess joint damage in people suffering from arthritis, osteoporosis, or any bone deformity, as well as infection. The most common examinations are knees, hips, spine, as well as hands and feet.
