A long-lasting and large increase in body weight does not have a good effect on the functioning of the body, especially on movement and future life prospects. As a physiotherapist, I know both locomotor and internal medicine risk factors and complaints that excess weight can cause, but now perhaps movement and activity-related symptoms come to the fore, because they determine the everyday quality of life.
Being overweight puts a lot of strain on the joints, especially the hips, knees and spine. An increase in body weight (even 3-5 kg excess weight) means extra work for the muscles and joints every day, which results in the stretching of the ligaments and the joint capsule and the weakening of the structure. As a result of the pressure, wear of the cartilage also accelerates, this can be accompanied by a change in the symmetry of the body and a combination of harmful effects due to the change in posture.
Both load capacity and mobility decrease, which means a change in blood and lymph flow in the body. Blood transports oxygen, and lymphatic fluid removes harmful substances from the body. It is understandable, then, that stagnation develops in the body with a decrease in movement and an increase in fat mass, which leads to a direct path to illness.
Disruption of the hormone balance, respiratory, heart and circulation complaints are the concomitants. Once on this path, a whole package of treatments is necessary in order to regain one’s lost health and the balance of one’s metabolism.
If the excess weight has already accumulated, let’s see what we can do to gradually get rid of the oppressive kilos.
• It is very important to develop a plan. It is necessary to clarify before the program how much weight we want to lose and in how long. Excessive dieting only worsens the condition, it completely disrupts the already malfunctioning body! Losing excess weight achieved in the long term brings more stable results, it is also easier to adapt to changes mentally!
• The exercise and nutrition plan should always be individualized. Although general advice and various proven practices can help, both the root cause and the degree of obesity and the obstacles that arise vary from individual to individual, so the use of a personalized program is more successful.
• You have to start the movement from the basics, depending on how much excess weight you want to get rid of. In case of excess weight over 5 kg, the knees and hips can only be exercised in appropriate positions and with professional joint protection. Light walking or brisk walking may be included in the plan, but running or jogging is not recommended.
• First, the goal is to strengthen the lower limbs, posture and half-body symmetry must be strictly regulated! It is necessary to build up the load gradually. The first exercise program can only consist of strengthening the stabilizing muscles and circulation-enhancing, so-called “cardio” exercises that do not stress the joints. The use of ankle protectors and/or braces is only recommended if there is a complaint even with a minor load, because such passive devices take away the energy of movement from the muscles, which means that the given area does not develop sufficiently. Everyone can come up with a series of exercises that develop their muscles, reduce excess weight, start movement and circulation on several fronts, and rigid fasteners are not necessary.
However, be careful with muscle building!
It is a common – in my opinion wrong – perception that overweight people want to immediately build muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, so building muscle only increases the load on joints that are already under a lot of pressure. First, the goal is to reach the ideal body weight, then to increase the load capacity, long-term implementation of dynamic exercises to restore circulation. This can only be followed by the necessary amount of muscle building, when the body is already in unity and can be said to be generally healthy.
Father Andrea
physical therapy-taping-coaching
www. holisztikusgyogytorna.hu
The article was published in Patika Magazin! Look for the magazine in pharmacies every month!
Source: www.patikamagazin.hu