The justice system suspends the protocol of the Canary Islands which hinders the reception of migrant minors

BarcelonaThe Superior Court of Justice of the Canary Islands has suspended the protocol of the Canary government that put obstacles in the way of the reception of migrant minors. This Friday’s decision responds to the appeal that the Prosecutor’s Office presented on Wednesday, in which it asked to annul the protocol of the CC-PP executive. In the same letter, the Prosecutor’s Office asked the court for a precautionary suspension, as has been approved, to prevent minors who arrive at the islands by sea from being neglected.

Just the day after the executive approved this controversial protocol, the Prosecutor’s Office already warned the Canary Islands government that it has the obligation to welcome the minors who arrive there despite the saturation. All in all, with the distribution of minor immigrants who arrive on the islands to other autonomies still stuck. The protocol in question determined that the Canary government would only accept minors in its reception centers if they arrived correctly identified and with an individualized assignment.

(We are working to expand this information)
