The key to navigating the difficulties of life today

Life became more expensive everywhere. Very expensive. Of course, also in Romania, Costa Rica and where else I’ve been this summer. But never like now. I dare say I read concern on people’s faces. I work for the first time in large groups, such as those in busy airports and in stores. I hope I don’t end up seeing desperate faces too. I sat down with some old friends to better understand what was going on. And we learned that people are increasingly worried about tomorrow. However, I was reassured by the fact that I found out that everyone is still looking for solutions. The first, the most handy, works on Saturdays for an extra penny. Many have two jobs, some even three. Others, after hours and on weekends, take care of a small farm outside the city, which provides them with what they need, for example, vegetables or fruits. The waste is gone. Especially the waste of time. They live on the edge of extremely decent living. I was thinking, without being too critical of my people, that in Romania people break down the doors of businesses on Fridays at noon. That very few have two jobs. We can’t even talk about three. Farmers complain that they don’t have labor force, in Bucharest and in the big cities there are immigrants everywhere and they do jobs that Romanians could also do, especially young people. It’s not okay. I read that in some villages people prefer to stay at home on social aid given by the state, and when the harvest is close, teachers from the Republic of Moldova and workers from Nepal come to work. Going outside to work will soon no longer be an option. Here, Sweden offers a large amount of money to immigrants who agree to leave the country. Belt tightens everywhere. With all my heart, the solution still remains in Romania. We don’t get involved in politics, but the elections in America will decide the fate of the planet, and the elections in our country will decide the fate of Romania for at least the next 5 years. It’s no joke, someone said. The bone must be put to work, someone else said. It all depends on each of us. How he behaves, how he manages, how much he works. No miracle solutions will appear. I repeat, everyone must take their life into their own hands. Don’t expect great miracles from anyone and anywhere. I was looking at the street today, few cars. And this in Detroit, a big and usually very crowded city. “It’s the world at work,” someone tells me. Wow, what’s with that infernal traffic in the middle of the day in Bucharest! Something is not right. We at page 22 speak openly. Leave them behind the war, the propaganda, the endless speeches. It is only a solution, for man to take care of himself and his needs. These hard times will also pass, but they will leave traces, if people don’t understand that fashion has reached out to the state. We don’t often write articles with so much fluff, but I hate that others find solutions in their own “backyard”, and we… don’t. Hope dies last and surely the Romanian will win in this fight with life.

We will hear from you next Friday in peace, safety and health, also from America. Once again, God help!

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