The king of motion capture has a totally crazy new project

Andy Serkis is the master of motion capture. He who brought to life iconic characters like King Kong and Gollum, would like to take it to the next level. The actor and filmmaker would indeed love to carry out an astonishing and ambitious project.

Who is Andy Serkis?

Aged 60, Andy Serkis is an actorBritish screenwriter, director and producer. He first made his name in the film industry. motion captureof which he was the pioneer. He thus gave life to iconic characters such as Gollum, King Kong, Snoke In Star Wars or even César In Planet of the Apes. In fact, Andy Serkis has become so comfortable with this technology that he has became the symbol.

Andy Serkis

But for a few years now, he has also been shooting without motion capture, without a net in a way, directly with your face uncovered. We were thus able to come across him in the MCU as Klawin the series Andor or even in the recent The Batman. He even tried his hand at directing, having notably directed Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle (2018) and the terrible Venom : Let There Be Carnage (2021).

A new major project

Andy Serkis wants to leave motion capture behind and move up a gear. In fact, he would like to direct a film dominated by the artificial intelligences. At a round table in Great Britain, Andy Serkis announced that he was working, with his studio Imaginarium, on a new project entitled Narrative History.

According to Deadline, This project should feature 2D charactersfirst dubbed by voice actors, before they entered the real world. A real world that would take the form of augmented reality.

These would therefore be AI characters created by artists and directors. They will evolve in a world where we can have direct relationships with these characters in computer-generated images.

explained Andy SerkisThe project is still a little vague, but if we understand correctly, the actor would like to create a sort of Ready Player One life-size. A universe, created by AI, in which 2D drawings would come to life. It would ultimately be a bit like Who Wants Roger Rabbit’s Skin? 2.0.

Ready Player One

The use of AI in the artistic world is controversial. Some artists are for it and see it as an unprecedented technological advancewhen others see it as a immediate danger to human creativity. Andy Serkis would like to reconcile public opinion with AI:

Even the biggest visual effects companies don’t create things as amazing as people in their basements. It’s very misunderstood, very misused, and generalized. In the same way that people probably thought the Internet was going to destroy everyone’s life.

Andy Serkis also addressed the question of the use of the identity of certain actors. The use of a face by AI. In fact, more crudely, he approached the notion de deep fake. Andy Serkis is keen to set up a Actors’ protection policy who would be willing to sell their image to AI:

It took a long time for actors to understand what it means to put on a costume or makeup and then stand in a suit and basically do what they normally do, which is act. We need to put the right permissions in place so that these artists can monetize their work properly.

Andy Serkis’ project still seems to be in its infancy. For the moment, it is a project without a title or release date.
