The last mining machine in Mostek can become a tourist attraction

Most – The last mining machine in Mosteck can become a tourist attraction. The new management of the Ústí Region will decide on this. The working group prepared the rescue of the excavator and prepared a feasibility study. The costs of moving and purchasing the machine can be paid by the local government from the Operational Fund of the Just Transformation. Regional spokeswoman Magdalena Fraňková informed about it.

The RK 5000 bucket excavator is 155 meters long and weighs 5,500 tons. The time to save the machine is limited. Mining at the ČSA quarry has ended, and among the employees there are only two elderly people who can walk away with the machine on the edge of the quarry. The owner is the Sev.en Česká energie group, whose spokeswoman Eva Maříková previously told ČTK that the group is ready to cooperate with the region.

If the entire machine were dismantled, the scrap price would be 30 million crowns, the region would pay this amount to the owner. The total cost of moving the machine and creating facilities for tourists around it is estimated at 120 to 160 million crowns. “It is truly unique, in a revitalized area after brown coal mining, it could be an attraction for tourists together with the Baroque Jezeří Castle and a national natural monument, which is to become part of the ČSA quarry,” said the current deputy governor Jiří Řehák (Allies for the Region). Kolos was produced in 1983, in 2016 it was decommissioned.

The working group prepared three possible scenarios. The first consists in simply rescuing the large machine, moving it to a place out of reach of the water that will flood the quarry, ensuring protection and making the exhibit available to the public. The second possibility is also the modification of the areas around the excavator, which would be used for cultural and social events. The third scenario envisages the further involvement of the private sector and the development of other activities.

The protected area around the ČSA quarry should cover approximately 12 square kilometers. The residual pit turns into a lake. The miners are planning to install floating solar panels on part of the water surface, and they are also counting on a production plant for green hydrogen. Photovoltaic panels will also be on the roofs of houses that will be built around the lake. The entire territory, over which the Jezeří castle rises, has an area of ​​5,000 hectares.

The Ministry of Culture had already decided not to deal with the possible monument protection of the giant excavator. In early 2022, academics from the Czech University of Technology (ČVUT) were prompted to do so.

for ksh

CR interesting coal machines administration AUDIO Bridge Ústecký
