The leader of Bode’s doctoral thesis, advisor to the head of SRI Cluj

The Romanian Information Service is organizing the 24th edition of the international conference “Intelligence in the Knowledge Society” in the amphitheater of the “Carol I” University Library in Bucharest, Thursday, October 18, 2018. Inquam Photos/Adel Al-Haddad

Adrian Ivan, who supervised the doctoral thesis of the plagiarist Lucian Bode, became the advisor to the head of SRI Cluj, writes

Ivan also led the SRI Academy. He also taught at Babeș-Bolyai University, starting in 2008, at the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the same university.

Ivan also established a doctoral school in the faculty – the Doctoral School of International Relations and Security Studies. Within this school, he also supervised the doctoral work of former minister Lucian Bode, who was accused of plagiarism in the fall of 2022, after the journalist Emilia Şercan discovered that 20% of his thesis was copied.

After being dismissed from the position of Rector of the SRI Academy, Ivan was given a new position, namely that of adviser to the head of SRI Cluj. Thus, Ivan will be able to collect two pensions, both from the activity at the SRI and from the didactic activity.

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Adrian Ivan, who supervised the doctoral thesis of the plagiarist Lucian Bode, became the advisor to the head of SRI Cluj
