THE LEGENDARY GRAVEYARD GROUP CONTINUES TO EXIST: The famous Vandal Boys have denied shutting down! – Domestic football, Football

Here’s what they had to say.

Before the eternal derby, there was again tension within the fan group Partizan. As could be seen on social networks, part of the group “Vandal Boys“one of the most famous fan groups of the southern stand, suddenly announced its shutdown. The decision was allegedly made by the group’s founders, and photos show the group’s recognizable symbols – a banner with a warning sign and other props – being gathered in a pile and burned.

PHOTO: Printscreen/Instagram/Grobarizacija

However, after this, the group came out and denied the situation.

The fallacy of burning flags and symbols is based on internal agreement, trust and a certain code among fan groups – that all flags stand in one place. The current set of the (Un)faithful South passed our flag into the hands of people who finished their fan service in the East four years ago, with the Partisans, who unfortunately still call themselves Vandals, trying to take away our identity and credibility, but they don’t it goes like that – it is written, among other things, in the announcement and it is added:

Watch out, this can happen to any group that doesn’t drown in their muck and filth. Nothing is sacred to them. Whining through announcements, canceling a guest appearance in Zaječar, avoiding any kind of meeting with us, accepting former members of our group, spinning reality with an invasion of fake profiles, says only one thing – You are not worthy of the name Partizan Belgrade, nor Grobari Jug, and it is sacred to us!

The number of groups that are currently hiding under the flag of the (Un)Faithful South is unknown, so their number is broken with ours – the number of ONE group and that is your reality and shame! Let the caregivers enjoy, laugh and have fun, but that is not even close to the weight of the sacrifice we have made and the blood we have shed, for these 23 years of existence. Tribune does not defend itself on internet portals and the next 23 will be evil and upside down with the Vandals.
