The Chinese Lunar New Year has begun. The event, which involves vacations and visits to relatives, lasts from January 14 to February 22. During this period, a record 9 billion trips could be recorded.
Experts believe that China’s economic difficulties will not affect the large-scale event. In fact, experts estimate that this year, during the 40 days dedicated to the event, there will be 9 billion domestic trips, according to Reuters. Last year, 8.4 billion trips were recorded.
The celebration officially began after midnight when a train left Beijing for Hefei in eastern Anhui province.
The Lunar New Year comes at a bad time for China’s economy
Travel increases greatly at this time of year as Chinese go on vacation or visit relatives. Most families gather for the traditional New Year’s Eve dinner, which this year falls on January 29.
Estimates show that over 510 million passengers could travel by rail, while over 90 million passengers will fly. Most Chinese will use the car, with an estimated 7.2 billion passengers.
This year’s event comes at a bad time for China’s economy. It faces weak domestic demand and a prolonged housing market crisis. However, economic problems will not spoil the festive atmosphere and holiday plans, experts say.