The mayor of New York has a background as a police officer. But an indictment against him now casts doubt on his own innocence

Eric Adams’ road to the post of mayor in the million-dollar city of New York City seems on the surface like a success story.

He comes from a working-class home with a mother who worked as a cleaner and a father who was a butcher and struggled with an alcohol addiction. In his youth, Adams struggled with dyslexia and had several run-ins with the police, but as an adult he broke the pattern and trained for a job in law enforcement as a police officer.

When he was elected mayor three years ago, it was on a promise to rein in crime in the American metropolis. But on Wednesday, a story appeared which suggests that the mayor himself may have had difficulty staying within the law.

The top story in the newspaper The New York Times concerned an indictment brought against Adams. According to the newspaper, the mayor has been in the police spotlight for a long time due to suspicion of corruption.

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