The men’s handball team easily beat Slovenia

Saturday, July 13, 2024 9:58 p.m

The Olympic quota Hungarian men’s handball team defeated Slovenia 29-25 in the preparatory match held in Győr on Saturday.

Men’s handball team, preparatory match:
Hungary-Slovenia 29-25 (12-14)
the Hungarian goal scorers: Rosta, Bánhidi 5-5, Imre 4, Ancin, Fazekas, Bodó 3-3, Lékai, Rodríguez 2-2, Sipos, Szita 1-1
shots/goals: 45/29 and 43/25
goals from seven meters: 3/1 and 4/3
exhibitions: 10 and 6 minutes, respectively

In the first half, the Hungarian team tried to compensate for the mistakes made in the attack in defense, but it only succeeded in the 24th minute, after which, despite Roland Mikler’s saves, the guests pulled away and had a 14-12 advantage at the break.

László Bartucz, who came on as a substitute, also excelled in goal, and his team took the lead again in the 43rd minute (20-19) after the 14th minute (6-5). They managed to reduce the number of errors primarily in defense and because they produced a 7-1 streak in ten minutes, they already led 24-20 ten minutes before the end.

There were less than three and a half minutes left when Blaz Janc and Adrián Sipos separated on the pitch, and in the blink of an eye a crowd scene formed in front of one of the gates. This rarely happens in a handball match, but it already happened in a training match between the two teams last January. Next Friday, the Hungarians will play a training match against the hosts Germany in Stuttgart, and the next day against Japan. They will play against Egypt for the first time at the Paris Olympics on July 27.

Chema was satisfied with the team

“We played a very good match. Both teams were very tough and played at a high level, with a lot of runs, and I think that was in our favor,” the Spanish coach told MTI after the match. He added that this meeting was very important, but they didn’t show everything from their preparation, since the Olympic games will be much more important and they will have to show their skills.

Chema put it this way: in the first half, almost all the teams are in good physical condition, but as time goes on, the players get more and more tired, and this opens up great opportunities for the Hungarians, “because I think we are in very good shape”.

According to Chema, his team is in good shape (Photo: MKSZ)

He emphasized: everyone got a chance, because they have two players for almost every position. Thus, everyone remained fresher for the last 15 minutes, when the team showed its strength, which is why we managed to win with four hits. I am very satisfied, but I was already on the first day of preparation, because I saw the ambition of the guys and I saw what they want to achieve at the Olympics, and that is very important. On the first day, I could see that they were ready and wanted to work hard Rodríguez stated.

He added that they have done a lot of work in the last two weeks – from which they will take some back from now – so he was also surprised by the match against the Slovenians, because he thought that his players would be more tired and slower, “but they ran like crazy”.
