The men’s/women’s polo captains announced an Olympic squad

Saturday 06 July 2024 11:55

Eleven world champions were included in the 13-person men’s water polo team traveling to the Paris Olympics, while only world championship silver medalists were included in the women’s team.

At the gate Vogel Soma and Márk Banyaias a classic center Balázs Háraion the left-handed side Márton Vámos and Gergő Zalánkion the receiving side Denes Varga, Vigvári Vince and Krisztián Manherczas a defender and as a deployable center Angel Daniel, Jansik Szilárd and Erik Molnárand can also be used as an all-rounder in several positions Adam Nagy and Gergő Fekete will make up the team – read the news of the Hungarian association (MVLSZ). The roster was approved by the presidency on Friday.

“There are advantages and disadvantages to having to give the roster so early,” he said Solt Varga national team captain. – The disadvantage is that I had to decide on the basis of a single official match and several two-goal training sessions, but the advantage is that from now on everyone can focus on the Olympics, and at next week’s Domino Trans Cup, the thirteen travelers will be playing in the matches, which makes it easier to shape the game.”

I had a basic idea about the team, but at the same time there were questions about certain posts, which I waited until the last moment to answer, but by Thursday evening we had put a point on everything.“Obviously, it was much more difficult now than at any other time, since you could nominate fifteen people everywhere, but at the Olympics the limit is thirteen,” said the national team captain.

Dénes Varga, the only Olympic champion in the team, sets the Hungarian peak of Dezső Gyarmati (1948-1964) and Tibor Benedek (1992-2008) with his performance in Paris, as this will be his fifth Olympics. Balázs Hárai can prepare for the fourth time, Márton Vámos, Gergő Zalánki and Krisztián Manhercz can participate in five-hoop games for the third time. At the same time, there are five Olympic newcomers in the squad: Erik Molnár, Ádám Nagy, Gergő Fekete, Vince Vigvári and Márk Bányai.

For the women, the captains did not vary much

According to the information of the Hungarian association on Saturday, in the gate Hungarian Alda and Neszmély Buttercupin the center Parkes Rebecca and Mahieu Geraldineon the receiving side Rita from Keszthely, Gurisatti Greta and Carver Kamillaon the left-hand side Dora Leimeteras well as being right-handed Vanda Vályi and Dorottya Szilágyiin beck Garda Kristina, Rybanska Natasa and Brigitta Horváth makes up the team, all of them were there in February in Doha, where the team competed in the World Championship final.

The national team Alexander Czechal together controlling Attila Mihók he said, the thirteen players who were all there for the World Cup silver are traveling, they have experience with this coaching staff, they know what to expect and what the staff expects from them. The squad was put together in a “sharp deployment”, as the team has already completed a week of joint training camp with the Canadians, four matches at the Thetis Cup in Athens, and several two-goal training sessions with the Americans, who won the last three Olympics, as well as an official match.

It was strange to select the team during a training camp, but we knew that this was our task now, even if it meant that some people would spend the remaining days a little or even very sad – stated Attila Mihók, who commented on the dilemmas of the team announcement: “If the sport is in a good place, then this decision should be very difficult – as it was.”

As for the Olympic past, nine of the thirteen players were there when they won the bronze medal in Tokyo, as newcomers Kamilla Faragó, Boglárka Neszmély, Mahieu Geraldine and Brigitta Horváth are in their first Olympics. Only Rita Keszthelyi and Krisztina Garda have a more serious five-ring routine.

Keszthelyi, who holds several records as a member of the national team, will be the first Hungarian female water polo player to play in her fourth Olympic Games after her first appearance in London in 2012. And Krisztina Garda joins the camp of three-Olympic ladies (Rita Drávucz, Edina Gangl, Orsolya Takács, Gabriella Szűcs) – everyone else is participating in the Games for the second time after Tokyo.
