the minister’s new measure and the defense industry

In the Monday morning program of Äripää radio, we talk about taxes and the budget, the defense industry and the minister’s new measure.

  • The government decided that it is ready to support major investments in Estonia with 40 million euros per year – Minister Ekki Keldo opens the topic on the radio. Photo: Andras Kralla

Invar Pärnamäe, head of the defense industry start-up company Vegvisir, explains to the listeners the company’s latest developments across the border and reveals how mixed reality glasses would be most useful in the civilian world.

With the Minister of Economy and Industry, Erkki Keldo, we discuss the latest state of tax and budget negotiations, as well as support for export-oriented investments. Namely, the government supports major investments in Estonia, which are at least 100 million euros. How to get to the new mint more precisely, the minister explains live.

The morning program is brought to the listeners by Janno Riispapp and Stiine Reintam.

The program day continues with six programs:

9.50-10.00 “Obscure economy”. Imagine that you are so rich that you buy a decorative person for your garden. Among rich 18th-century Britons, it was a trend to hire someone to romantically patter in their garden and keep quiet. It paid quite generously, even though the rules could be strict – to be like a living garden gnome.

What those rules were and how much you could get paid for it, listen to the program “Obscure economy”. Host is Linda Eensaar.

10.00-11.00 “Content Marketing Series: My Career”. In the show, we talk with Viru Keemia Group HR Director Eve Rei and VKG Fiber board member and development manager of the bioproducts production project Lauri Raid about VKG’s future projects and personnel needs.

We will talk about the challenges posed by personnel management and finding specialists in bioproduct production and plastic waste processing projects. You can also learn from the show what skills and knowledge VKG needs most today and how the company contributes to the promotion of the green revolution and the circular economy. The presenter is Sigrid Hiis.

11.00-12.00 “Hot seat”. On the “hot seat” together with Kaido Veske, partner of the investment fund Livonia Partners, we assess the state of the Estonian state and companies and whether this could be a saving solution sooner.

We will hear what moves the investment fund is currently planning and whether foreign investments must be replaced by local money. The show is hosted by Kristel Härma.

12.00-13.00 “Business day in focus”. The topic of the program is the development of entrepreneurship outside Tallinn, and the guests are Holger Haljand, head of Telia Estonia, and Margus Rink, head of Coop Bank, who talk about why they have focused business in rural areas in their companies.

The conversation will be moderated by Aivar Hundimägi, editor-in-chief of Lääne-Virumaa Uudiste.

13.00-14.00 “Industry news on air”. Merkuur, which has been offering mobile hobbies for almost seven years, has now shared engineering and technology knowledge with a total of about 40,000 young people. The purpose of the activity is to offer as many options and knowledge as possible already in primary or elementary school, which at some point would help to make better career decisions.

This is an activity that should also help to solve the long-discussed problem of lack of engineers and future growth, and to direct young people more towards technology. Lauri Soosaar, the co-founder of Merkuuri, will be visiting the show, and he will talk about the background and goals of his venture. The show is hosted by Harro Puusild.

15.00-16.00 “Lavajutud”. In the show, you will first hear former marathoner Roman Fost talking about how to fit exercise into a financier’s workday. Fost also talks about the formula of how to do sports at a high level in addition to everyday work.

In the second half of the show, financial manager Anneli Aljas introduces the specifics of financial management of a start-up company. The presentations were recorded at the Pärnu financial conference held in April this year. The presentations were moderated by Kaarel Ots.

Listen to Äripää radio in Tallinn and Harjumaa 92.4 MHz, Tartu 97.7 MHz, Pärnu 91.9 MHz, Haapsalu 96.0 MHz, Saaremaa 101.7 MHz, Ida-Virumaa 94.6 MHz, Raplama 101.8 MHz and Järvamaa 104.3 MHz.

Listen to Äripää radio here.

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