The money wisdom enthusiast gave up a five-figure portfolio

Sharer of money wisdom, social worker and entrepreneur, Ilona Tint turned her investment portfolio into money because she was suffering from burnout and wanted to heal it in peace. He has not regretted this decision for a moment.

  • Rahatarkuse Enthusiast Ilona Tint.
  • Photo: Private collection

“It was the best decision I could make in my life and it was much easier than I would have thought,” Tint told Äripää radio. He explained that he was faced with a choice to take care of his health and well-being or his life would collapse, but the portfolio would continue to work.

Tint thought that if his portfolio really reached zero, he still had a lifetime to grow it. “Truly, I have never regretted it until now,” said Tint.

We also talked about why Tint shares money wisdom with young people and why it is important to him. Tint talked about why young people have financial knowledge, but do not practice it.

Interviewed by Lauri Lee.

The money-wisdom enthusiast gave up a five-figure portfolio for the sake of health

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