The most common breeds of pigs used for breeding in Serbia

Pig farming is a branch of animal husbandry that is quite common in Serbia, that is, a large number of Serbian households deal with this branch of animal husbandry. Pig meat is in great demand in the food industry, and people consider this business profitable, which is why they enter the business of raising pigs. Pigs are the most fertile domestic animals, and from the aspect of profitability in terms of selling young piglets, this business pays off. If you have also thought about raising pigs in your household, we present to you the breeds of pigs that are most often raised in Serbia and what their specific characteristics are.

The most common breeds of pigs used for breeding in Serbia

German Landrace

A breed of pig originated in Germany, which proved suitable for crossbreeding to improve the general characteristics of pigs in Germany. In addition to this strain, there is another strain called German Landrace B, which is categorically separated from the first strain.

This breed of pigs is characterized by a high reproductive capacity, and as for other characteristics, this species is characterized by a high degree of fleshiness.

Moravian – a pig with a tame nature, easy to raise and HEALTHY!

Pig breeds: danish landrace

This breed was created in Denmark, by crossing a domestic Danish pig and a large Yorkshire. The Danish Landrace belongs to medium to large pigs, with an excellent percentage of meat. Like the German Landrace, this breed is known for its exceptional fertility and maternal qualities.

A sow of this type gives birth to an average of 12 piglets in a litter weighing 1.2-1.3 kg, which develop quickly. In good breeding conditions, this type of pig gives excellent results, but it should be borne in mind that in poorer living conditions it is difficult to survive or at least does not give its full capacity.

Pig breedsPig breeds

Great Yorkshire

This breed of pigs originates from Britain. Due to its excellent fattening properties, this noble breed is considered one of the best in the world. The Great Yorkshire has a strong, large body, especially the rear part of the body, with strong muscle mass in the thigh and shoulder area, which is why they are characterized by high performance.

As far as fertility is concerned, it is similar to the previous one, since its average is 10-12 piglets. It is suitable for extended fattening up to 150 kg. It has exceptional meat quality and good slaughter value.

Just for beginners: What can you feed pigs with?


This breed of pigs was created in Belgium, by crossing the English Yorkshire and the Belgian Landrace. As far as appearance is concerned, this pig is of medium size, well developed, and its body is covered with characteristic black stripes. It is used a lot for crossing with other breeds of pigs since it is very meaty.

Fertility is average, slightly less than the previous ones – he farrows about 9 piglets weighing about 1.3 kg. This breed of pigs is sensitive to stress, which can lead to pig stress syndrome, which is why it should be raised in good conditions.

pig breeds in Serbiapig breeds in Serbia


Mangulica is a race that belongs to autochthonous in this area. Mangulica is also called “woolly pig” because it has long curly bristles that distinguish it from other breeds. This breed is among those with a lower production capacity, and the easiest to farrow on average about 5 piglets.

Pig breedsPig breeds

Mangulica can grow up to a weight of 150 kg. It belongs to the fatter breeds, since its meat is characterized by a higher fat content. It is one of the three remaining autochthonous breeds in Serbia and it is generally said that it is “sustainable under threat”.

An indigenous breed of pig that lives in harmony with nature and produces meat of exceptional quality
