European shipowners and fuel producers have launched The Clean Maritime Fuels Platform, a bottom-up industry initiative that aims to improve communication between the maritime sector and fuel producers and to identify common challenges and possible solutions, with a view to implementation package Fit for 55 and the transition to a net zero economy by 2050.

Members of the platform include the European Community Shipowners Associations (ECSA), FuelsEurope, eFuel Alliance, European Advanced and Waste Biofuels Association (EVABA), HydrogenEurope and the Methanol Institute.

A turning point towards sustainable shipping in Europe

“Launching the platform Clean Maritime Fuels is a significant milestone on our common path towards sustainable shipping in Europe. Bringing together the expertise and innovation of Europe’s maritime sector and fuel producers, the Platform will explore the opportunities and challenges of producing, supplying and using renewable and low-carbon marine fuels. This collaboration will help both of our industries to be at the forefront of contributing to the goals Fit for 55 i Green Dealwhile continuing to thrive in the global market,” said Liana Gouta, CEO FuelsEurope.

Ralf Diemer, general director of the eFuel Alliance, emphasized that there are numerous challenges for the fast and reliable supply of marine fuels from renewable sources and that the goal is to achieve rapid progress for the maritime sector through regular exchanges with other industry representatives and by making concrete proposals for the optimization of the European regulatory framework. industry and other transport sectors.

The most difficult sector for decarbonisation

The platform will focus on policies and tools to support the production and use of clean marine fuels in Europe, including areas such as shipping in the EU ETS and funding opportunities. The launch of the Platform comes on the heels of the recently announced Report on the future of European competitiveness which presents a vision of the economic future of Europe, putting energy and decarbonization at the center of the continent’s growth strategy – the author is the former president of the European Central Bank (ECB) Mario Draghi.

In the document, shipping is identified as one of the most difficult sectors for decarbonization, which requires investments of around 40 billion euros per year, between 2031 and 2050.

E2 portal (ceenergynews)
