The most important lessons about relationships that we usually learn too late

The more we know about falling in love, dating and what keeps a relationship strong and healthy, the better our love life will be. That’s why here are some useful tips to keep in mind.

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A successful person does not necessarily have to be a good partner

Just because someone has an enviable reputation and a high social position does not mean that they will make a great partner. Whether they are directors, politicians or priests, it has little to do with the fact that they will make good marriage partners.

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Becoming a good partner comes with experience

It is similar to work: the more information and experience someone has, the more successful they will be at work. You will be a better partner in the next relationship than you were in the previous one.

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That’s why you should be a little more open and prone to adventure. Premature attachment is not the best choice. Youth is a period for research – it should be used, but still, cautiously.

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Postponing sex has nothing to do with the success or failure of a relationship

Someone can have sex on the first date and live happily ever after, and someone can postpone this type of relationship, and may not stay in a relationship for more than a year.

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Some people are fine with such relationships, but the key is to make sure both partners are on the same page.

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Image by Freepik

Good character is a desirable condition, but it is not sufficient

It is important that you respect your partner and please him. But that’s not all it takes. When it comes to keeping someone in your life, it takes more.

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Good character + good bed skills + good personal hygiene – this will give much better results than just good character.

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Don’t force love or marriage

If someone doesn’t love you anymore, don’t make them stay. Wish him luck on the path of love. Love is not a do or die thing.

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You may not find someone like him or her, but you may find someone better. Maybe in the end it turns out that you were lucky to let him go.

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You always have a choice: to leave or to stay

That’s why partner relationships are called a relationship, not a prison. Unfortunately, some people see relationships as a prison and live their entire lives as a prisoner – someone who has no freedom of choice.

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The truth is that you have the choice and the freedom to leave or stay in anyone’s life. When you no longer feel that you want to stay – when you are abused, exploited, when you become a sex toy or your partner takes you for granted – leave. It’s not a prison. There is always someone else who can treat you better.

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Love is not enough

In any case, we have to love someone first before we decide to be in a relationship. But when it comes to the decision to start living together and spend the rest of your life together, love is not enough.

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Unfortunately, most young people make the mistake of getting married for no other reason than to feel butterflies in their stomachs and heart skip a beat.

The truth is, though, that you can have a successful marriage without ever having these feelings for your partner. But you can’t have a successful marriage if your partner isn’t someone you can work with to build a relationship.

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Foto by master1305,

Whether you can function harmoniously with someone is a more important determinant than love in ensuring the success of dating or married life.

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Many get married just because they are madly in love, but infatuation is temporary. That is why it is better to find someone with whom you can live harmoniously. It’s important.
