The new DragAlert retail security device will be launched in October

The DragAlert, the free application to improve the security of commercial establishments promoted by Martorell Town Council, is expected to start working from next October 1. This service is promoted by the Departments of Citizen Security and Commerce, and provides traders with a quick, direct and silent way to notify the Local Police in case of theft, emergency or other security issues.

From last Monday until the end of next week, local police officers are visiting all the establishments that confirmed their interest in the system and that filled out a previous form. In this second meeting, they hand over the identification label or membership badge that the shopkeepers must place in a visible place in the establishment, and collect all the information necessary to register them in the database data Previously, in the first informational visit, traders had filled in a membership form and their telephone coverage had been verified.

All in all, the activation of the service is planned “from October 1”, as the councilor for Citizen Security and Mobility of the City Council, Lluís Sagarra, advances.

Lluís Sagarra, regidor de Seguretat Ciutadana i Mobilitat de l'Ajuntament

DragAlert is an application that consists of a virtual button that, when pressed, generates an emergency signal to the local police headquarters or patrol cell phone, indicating the fixed location of the person calling for help. The security force, at that precise moment, finds out which establishment is suffering from an unsafe situation and goes there immediately to make the corresponding check. It is not intended to replace any connection to an alarm center, but to become a means of silent, direct and effective warning to the police.

“What we’re talking about is that businesses can quickly alert the police in the face of security problems they may suffer”, explains Sagarra, who adds that the DragAlert “is a very important tool to provide security to businesses and their customers”. and that it adds to the line of the municipal government “to gradually introduce technological improvements for a safer, more civic and more sustainable city”.

Lluís Sagarra, regidor de Seguretat Ciutadana i Mobilitat de l'Ajuntament

The service can be activated by any person who works in the establishment or public or private center in question, with a fixed location and who is not obliged, by law, to have private security systems, as is the case with banking entities, jewelries and the like.

It can only be used in emergency cases, such as thefts with violence or intimidation, thefts with force on things, situations of serious disturbance of public order – such as assaults or fights – and situations of risk to people.
