The new Nikola Tesla Museum: in the building of the former Milan Vapa Paper Factory in Belgrade


Beograd na vodi ad and the Urban Institute of Belgrade are announcing an open, international, survey, one-stage, anonymous competition for an architectural and urban design concept for the new Nikola Tesla Museum in the building of the former Milan Vapa paper factory in Belgrade, with the deadline for submission of competition works being December 17, 2024.

The prize fund is also determined in the total amount of net 120.000 € and will be allocated according to the following distribution:

  • First prize – €60,000 net
  • Second prize – €40,000 net
  • Third prize – €20,000 net

The reconstruction should enable a significant improvement in the presentation and protection of cultural heritage, which includes not only Nikola Tesla’s scientific and technical innovations, but also his rich personal legacy. Also, the new museum should provide wider availability of archival material to researchers in order to encourage scientific research activities, and visitors to learn about the impact of Tesla’s work with an interactive experience that should encourage critical thinking about the role of technology in shaping the future.

In 2003, the Nikola Tesla Archive, which is located in the Nikola Tesla Museum and contains a rich collection of documents and patents testifying to his contribution to science and technology, was entered into the UNESCO “Memory of the World” register.

Museums in Belgrade

This reconstruction is one of the projects for the construction of new and reconstruction of existing museums in order to improve the cultural scene of Belgrade and Serbia.

A new museum district is planned in Belgrade, which will be located on the stretch from Sava Square to Resavska Street and Mostarska Loop. They are planned four new museums: the Historical Museum of Serbia, the Children’s Museum, the Nikola Tesla Museum and the Museum of the City of Belgrade.

The old railway station building from 1884 will be converted into Historical Museum of Serbia. The building of the old Post Office, which will be restored to its original appearance before the devastation in the bombing, will become Children’s museum with two new theater scenes. The former paper factory, built by industrialist Milan Vapa in 1924, will be repurposed for Nikola Tesla Museum. Renovation of the building at the corner of Resavska and Nemanjina streets is planned for the needs Museum of the City of Belgrade.

E2 portal
