The new Performance battery from Toyota takes lithium out of the game

Toyota is taking lithium-ion battery construction technology for electric vehicles out of the game

Don’t rush to buy electric cars, the battery revolution from Toyota is coming!

The next generation of Toyota batteries for electric vehicles with a solid core has received all the necessary certificates for production

Toyota Performance batteries with a “solid” core use solid electrolyte and electrode technology, instead of the liquid ones found in current lithium-ion batteries. This new technology is considered an alternative to the aforementioned lithium-ion batteries, which have apparently reached their peak in development and potential.

In addition, a battery with a solid core has a significantly higher efficiency (provides better autonomy) and a smaller, i.e. almost completely eliminated, degradation during charging.

During 2026, the first solid-core batteries are expected to be installed in Toyota electric and hybrid models.

The planned annual capacity of the new Toyota batteries with a solid core is 9 GWh.

Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota) announced that Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has issued the necessary certificates for the development and production of Toyota’s next-generation batteries (Performance version), as part of the government’s program called “Battery Supply Assurance Plan”.

Certificates have been issued for (1) the production of the next generation of Performance batteries at Prime Planet Energy & Solutions, Inc. (PPES), then (2) for next-generation battery production (also Performance version) at Primeearth EV Energy Co., Ltd.*1 (PEVE), as well as (3) research, development and production of all-solid-core batteries .
