The new regulation on the disposal of construction waste – what are the obligations of investors

Goran Vesić, the Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, announced that in two days the new regulation on the disposal of construction waste will come into force. This regulation introduces stricter rules in order to reduce the negative impact of construction waste on the environment.

Illustration (Photo: Pixabay)

According to Minister Vesić, the rulebook was created with the aim of improving the practice of waste management from the construction industry, which is one of the largest generators of waste in the country. He pointed out that the new measures will oblige contractors to properly store, transport and dispose of waste was created during construction projects, reported Tanjug.

Also, contractors will be obliged to keep records of the amount of waste and the method of its disposal, which will enable better control and waste flow monitoring.

Vesić emphasized that the implementation of this rulebook will contribute to a cleaner environment and better organization of construction activities. According to him, local self-governments will play a key role in the implementation of these measures, as they will be in charge of monitoring compliance with the new regulations.

After the rulebook enters into force, investors will be obliged to submit i consent of the Ministry of Environmental Protection to the Facility Management Plan. This obligation, as Vesić explained, applies not only to the construction but also to the demolition of buildings, and everything is regulated in detail in the rulebook.
