The nightmare continues: every county is below the Hungarian average

We have already put Hungary’s nightmare on the map once, but according to this week’s statement from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), the nightmare afflicting our country is far from over. The situation is so tragic that even the minister responsible for the distribution of development resources, Tibor Navracsics, stated that

A regional drama is taking place in Hungary.

For example, there are two regions in our country (Northern Hungary, Northern Great Plain) in which the average level of development per capita GDP does not exceed half of the EU average. The figure of 52 percent in Southern Transdanubia and 55 percent in the Southern Great Plain is significantly lower than this.


The disintegration of Hungary is most evident in average earnings. According to the latest report of the KSH, in July of this year, the gross average earnings of those employed full-time was HUF 636,700, and the net average earnings calculated with discounts taken into account were HUF 438,400. The gross average salary increased by 13.9 percent, the net average salary by 13.7 percent, and the real salary by 9.4 percent compared to the previous year.

The most important indicator is the median, in this regard the statisticians showed that the median value of the gross earnings reached HUF 524,100, and the median value of the net earnings reached HUF 362,900, which by the way exceeded the same periods of the previous year by 16.5 and 16.6 percent, respectively.


At the same time, we examined it also the net average earnings of full-time employees, without discounts, broken down by countyin order to get a clearer picture of the region’s population retention capacity – which is also extremely important due to the depressing demographic data.

Based on this, it turns out that those employed full-time without discounts In Budapest, HUF 512,292 is taken homewith orders of magnitude exceeding the national average, which is HUF 422,112. In the capital, compared to the same period of the previous year, this represents a 13 percent increase, while the national average rose by 14 percent.

However, beyond the borders of Budapest, the situation is not nearly so rosy, for example

People in Pest county earn more than HUF 125,000 less.

Average net earnings of full-time employees without discounts (first half of 2024, in HUF):

  • Budapest: 512 292,
  • Pest: 386 734,
  • Fejér: 409 598,
  • Komárom-Esztergom: 419 631,
  • Veszprém: 377 209,
  • Győr-Moson-Sopron: 453 251,
  • Vas: 379 220,
  • Fingers: 339 539,
  • Baranya: 357,060,
  • Somogy: 341 723,
  • Tolna: 392 203,
  • Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén: 340 884,
  • Fierce: 385 339,
  • Nógrád: 327 721,
  • Hajdú-Bihar: 367 445,
  • Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok: 342 063,
  • Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg: 308 050,
  • Bács-Kiskun: 361 271,
  • Békés: 316 224,
  • Csongrád-Csanád: 363 907,
  • Country total: 422,112.

As you can see, all the counties of the country can only provide wages below the national average for those who live there. It is especially tragic that

there is a county, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, where employees earn several hundred thousand forints less than in the capital.

It’s a joy in the joy that last year at this time the average net income there was only HUF 262,438…

At the regional level, the Northern Great Plain performed the worst, with HUF 339,879, which is also significantly lower than the median value of net earnings (HUF 362,900).


Thus, it should not be surprising that the number and proportion of employed people has decreased in almost every county, or stagnated at best.

Compared to the same period of the previous year, the number of employed people increased by 1 percent in the first half of 2024, exceeding 1,316,000 people. The largest increase was realized by Pest county, by 1.6 percent, while the aforementioned Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county saw a decrease of 1.2 percent; only 143,000 people work in the north-eastern tip of our country.


By the way, according to the KSH, in August 2024 the average number of employed persons aged 15-74 increased by 39,000 to 4,748,000 at the national level compared to the same period of the previous year.

  • The number of unemployed is 210,000,
  • the unemployment rate was 4.2 percent.

The number of unemployed men was 112 thousand, their unemployment rate rose by 0.3 percentage points to 4.3 percent. Among women, the number of unemployed was 100,000, their unemployment rate of 4.2 percent was essentially the same as a year earlier. Thus, according to MBH Bank analysts, the downward trend of unemployment between June and August was broken.

As it was written, in the three-month period showing the labor market trend, from June to August, the number of employed people among the working-age population between 15-74 years was 4 million 752 thousand, 31 thousand more than a year earlier.
