The number of beneficiaries of social allowance for pensioners increased, in December 2024, by 3,860 people

Of these, 834,665 were pensioners from the public system, and 89,101 pensioners from the former farmers’ pension system.

In the case of pensioners from the public system, the average value of the allowance received from the state budget was 528 lei. The highest values ​​were recorded in the counties: Maramureş (613 lei), Hunedoara (598), Cluj (596 lei) and Bistriţa-Năsăud (591 lei).

The most beneficiaries of this allowance were in Bucharest, respectively 39,043, and in the counties of Suceava (35,017 pensioners), Iasi (31,002), Dolj (29,818), Prahova (27,444) and Bacău (27,000).

As far as agricultural retirees are concerned, the average social allowance received from the state budget was 342 lei, the highest amount being recorded in the counties of Ilfov (483 lei), Gorj (443 lei), Hunedoara (424 lei) and in Sector 2 of the Capital (438 lei).

According to the cited source, the largest number of beneficiaries among agricultural pensioners was recorded in Iaşi county (6,242 people), followed by Botoşani (5,866), Dolj (5,706), Olt (5,177) and Teleorman (5,133) counties.

The CNPP specifies that the beneficiaries of the public pension system, whose income from pensions and allowances, cumulatively, is below the value of 1,281 lei, collect this monthly amount, called “Social allowance for pensioners”, according to the provisions of Law no. 196/2009, with subsequent amendments and additions. AGERPRES

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